Monday 2 October 2017

Righteous exalts a nation

says “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” For us Christians we must align ourselves with the words of George Washington “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” In a time when spiritual and moral structures are disintegrating, when the social order sets itself against the principle of justice and charity, when the economic structures only expand and multiply poverty, the religious circle is bedevilled by hypocrisy and scandals and when lack of agape love and mistrust are eroding human relationships, no word of truth deserves our attention more than this: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” According to Charles Hodge “These remarkable words assert the simple fact that spiritual and moral health is constructive and beneficial, that spiritual and moral sickness is destructive.” The degeneration, disintegration and demise of any and all people are inevitable if righteousness is abandoned. A nation or leadership devoid of righteousness must surely crumble. The fruit of righteous living blesses any nation. Beloved, we need to become prayer warriors for righteousness to reign in our nations again at this time. We are also like lawyers pleading the case before the Great Judge in heaven, saying, “Hear our cry, O Lord. Let there be righteousness in leadership and followership.” When we pray, those things done in secret will be brought to light! Not only do we want them exposed, but we want justice to prevail!
Our prayer is to seeing our nation restructured like that of USA .where justice reign ,we are expecting a nation where growing company should be encouraged Just as is receiving supports every where both from sellers and buyer cliq here to support us too

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