Tuesday 8 December 2015


7 Deadly Excuses

Here are seven deadly excuses that may be keeping you from living your dreams:

1. I'm Not Educated Enough
I always hear people telling me that they can't get started because they don't have a college degree. Many of us have been brainwashed into believing that we have to "go to school and get a job." Because of this, people disable themselves from a race that they could have won.

These people think that everyone in the world are two times smarter than they are. What they really need is to believe in themselves. We are all smart enough. In fact, we are geniuses. Each of us needs all of us and all of us need each of us. If we found a way to apply our geniuses, there's no telling how far we could go.

2. I Don't Have Enough Experience
This one's for the credential junkie (i.e. John Smith, MBA, CP3, MTV, BET, TALK, ETC.). Some people think they don't have enough experience, so they worry themselves into not living their dreams. These people are basically saying, "I'm not good enough."

I've also seen people settle for far less. Year after year, they work for minimal compensation without even considering that they are good enough to get paid more. Frankly, we all have experience. It's called "life experience." We can use this for any kind of work we are involved with.

3. I'm Too Old or Young
Ronald Reagan was 69 when he was sworn in as president. In fact, while debating for his second term for president, he told the moderator, "I am not going to exploit my opponent's youth and inexperience."

For those who think they are too young, I was 21 years old when I started my business. Age doesn't matter, unless you think it does. Most people let others tell them that they are too old or young. This excuse only leads to other excuses.

4. I Don't Have the Health
I've heard people with asthma tell me, "I can't lose weight because of my asthma." However, it's not their condition that stops them, it's their limited mindset. Stop telling yourself that you have a bad back. Affirm your health in a positive way instead.

Helen Keller was blind, deaf, and speechless, yet she was able to make her mark in history. Franklin Delano Roosevelt had polio and was still able to run for three terms during the biggest depression in American history. You can do anything if

5. I Don't Have Enough Time
People who "don't have time" generally don't want to make the time. They want the success, but they won't make it a priority. We all have time to make it happen. What these people are really saying is that they don't know how to get started.

All it takes is a few hours of study and application to get started. If you don't have one hour each day, you don't have a life. If you make time for your dream, the puzzle will work itself in order. Most people are preparing to get prepared, but they rarely end up doing anything because it's too late.

6. No One is Supporting Me
Many people act like they have to succeed by themselves. They'll blame their spouse, kids, parents, and boss for not being able to live their dreams. The fact is that they only have themselves to blame. These people also use the excuse, "I don't live in the right area" or "You don't know what I go through."

If you don't have support, find it. The people who you have around you may have the right intentions of helping you, but may have the wrong directions in leading you. You have to search diligently for people who will be aligned with the goals you have set for yourself. People are looking for you as much as you're looking for them.

7. I Don't Have the Money
This the biggest excuse on the list. In fact, most people make the other excuses to avoid admitting this one. The fact is that we all have money, but we have to learn how to use it. Most people simply don't want to use their creativity to make their dreams happen.

I started my business with an excess of $100,000 in debt. However, I believed in my plan and I began to raise the capital. You can only succeed if you have a way of attaining money to sustain your dream. We all think about money every day, but we need the right thoughts about it. When the mind is ready, the money will come.

Bonus: I'm Not the Right Sex or Race
Many women still believe that there is a glass ceiling. Some minorities also feel like they are still enslaved. However, Oprah said, "Excellence is the best deterrent to racism and sexism." Truly, the universe doesn't care what race or sex you are. All it wants is your best efforts, which is the usage of your genius.

Are you using any of these excuses? If so, check yourself before you wreck yourself. There is nothing in the world that can stop you, except yourself.  When you get past these excuses, you will be able to live an unlimited life and experience the abundance which is always available to you. Remember, if you believe in yourself, everyone in the world will believe in you.

Friday 13 November 2015


Kitchen Utensils Can Spread Bacteria, Study Expert advises washing knives, peelers between each use on different types of produce

THURSDAY, Nov. 12, 2015 (HealthDay News) --Kitchen utensils such as knives and graters can spread bacteria between different types of produce, a new study finds.

University of Georgia researchers contaminated different types of fruits and vegetables with bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli. They cut the produce with a knife or shredded it with a grater, then used the unwashed utensils on other produce.

Both utensils spread the bacteria to other types of produce, the study found.

The researchers also found that certain types of produce contaminated knives to different degrees.

"For items like tomatoes, we tended to have a higher contamination of the knives than when we cut strawberries," said lead author Marilyn Erickson, an associate professor in the department of food science and technology.

"We don't have a specific answer as to why there are differences between the different produce groups. But we do know that once a pathogen gets on the food, it's difficult to remove," she said in a university news release.

Further testing revealed that brushes and peelers also transfer bacteria between produce.

Many people don't know that kitchen utensils can spread bacteria, Erickson said.

"Just knowing that utensils may lead to cross-contamination is important," she said. "With that knowledge, consumers are then more likely to make sure they wash them in between uses."

The study results were published recently in the journal Food Microbiology

Wednesday 14 October 2015


Ways To Sleep Soundly For A Better Heal

Nowadays, getting a good night sleep is hard because of the fast-paced yet sedentary lifestyle, which affects quality of sleep. A recent study shows that not getting enough sleep raises the risk for cardiovascular diseases as well as psychological distress.

Do the following tips before you hit the bed at night, will lead you to quality and sound zzz’s.

1. Schedule your sleep time and stick with it

Observing a sleep schedule every night can contribute to quality sleep. A regular sleep routine maintains your biological clock steady so rest better. Researchers discover that maintaining a daily sleep routine helps reduce insomnia.

2. Get moving during the day

Engaging in a cardio workout can improve length and quality of sleep. In a research, it was revealed that people who are physically active fall asleep faster. Get busy during the day so you sleep soundly at night.

3. Skip caffeine after 2 pm

Drinking caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea or cola can stimulate your body system so prevent caffeine consumption so you can sleep better at night. Consuming caffeine after dinner will hinder your brain from entering deep slumber or cease you from falling asleep altogether.

4. Stop smoking

Nicotine, which is found in cigarette, is a stimulant; thus, it prevents you from falling asleep. Studies show that smokers are four times more likely not to feel as well-rested after a night’s sleep than non-smokers. This also exacerbates sleep apnea and other breathing disorder, causing you to lack of sleep.

5. Sip milk not alcohol

After a few hours of drinking alcoholic beverages, the alcohol levels in your blood will drop. This signals the body to wake up. Instead of alcoholic drinks, consume milk before going to bed.

6. Listen to relaxing music

A research shows that older adults slept longer and better after listening to soft music. Another similar study reveals that music contributes to sleep quality by way of muscle relaxation and distraction from thoughts. According to sleep experts, listening to relaxing, classical music can be an effective intervention in reducing sleep-related problems.

7. Maintain proper room ventilation

Consider turning on a fan or airconditioning unit to cool and promote better air circulation. Experts recommend setting your bedroom thermostat between 18° and 24°C. Go low gradually. The body loses some ability to regulate temperature during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep so excessive cooling will backfire.

8. Turn off light sources

Light signals the brain to be awake. The same goes with the blue light emitted by your laptop, iPad, smartphone or any other electronic devices at hand. The light emitted by these sources suppress the action of melatonin, a sleep hormone. Thus, the darker the room is, the more soundly you will sleep.

9. Spray a sleep-inducing fragrance

The scent from lavander, chamomile activate the alpha wave activity in the back of the brain that leads to relaxation and helps you to sleep better. Mix a few drops of essential oil and water in a spray bottle and spritz it over your pillowcase.

10. Body temperature triggers sleep

It is a good idea to take a warm bath or drinking a warm drink before hitting the bed for it raises your body temperature which can trigger sleep. Doing such activities aid in setting your body temp for a good night sleep.

11. Take time to wind down

Doing the following activities before your bedtime can switch your body gradually from active to bedtime drowsiness.

First 20 minutes: Preparing for the next day (re-arrange your bag, plan your wardrobe)

Next 20 minutes: Do your personal night routine (bru

Last 20 minutes: Dedicate this time in the bed by reading or practicing deep breathing exercise to get you to sleep. Deep breathing can help in reducing your heart rate and blood pressure. It releases endorphins and relaxes your body, preparing you for sleep.

12. Make your bed a sleeping haven

Making your bed a sleeping haven will be easier for you to switch to sleep mode. Stop the habit of working on or near the bed or filling it with things unnecessary. Just spruce up your bed with comfortable pillows, soft blanket and bedsheet and then go hit the slumberland

Sunday 11 October 2015


How to Gain Wisdom
Wisdom is a virtue that isn’t innate, but can only be acquired through experience. Anyone who is interested in trying new things and reflecting on the process has the ability to gain wisdom. By learning as much as you can, analyzing your experiences and putting your knowledge to the test, you can become a wiser person.
Try new things.
It's hard to gain wisdom when you stay in and do the same thing day after day. You get wiser when you put yourself out there and give yourself the opportunity to learn, make mistakes and reflect on the experience. If you tend to be on the inhibited side, work on cultivating an inquisitive spirit and the willingness to put yourself in new situations.[1] Every time you experience something new, you open yourself up to the possibility of learning and getting a little wiser for having tried it.
Going to places you've never been before is a great way to get some life experience. Such as booking a trip to another city, or taking a road trip to the next town over. Make an effort to eat at a restaurant that's popular with the locals, rather than going to your favorite chain. Every chance you get, choose newness over the familiar.
Trying new social activities is another good way to open up your world. If you tend to spend your time watching sports, get tickets to see a play. If you're a total bookworm, you could sign up for a hiking club or join a bowling team.

Step out of your comfort zone.
If you’re afraid to do something, perhaps that’s the very thing you should try to do. When you have to deal with an awkward or scary situation, you come out on the other side better equipped to handle fear the next time you face it. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face . . . we must do that which we think we cannot.”
For example, if you’re afraid of public speaking, volunteer to give a presentation.
If you dislike talking about your feelings, make an effort to have a conversation with a loved one telling the person how much you care. Ask the person how he or she feels, too.

Make an effort to talk to people you don’t know very well.
Talk to people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives from yours, and pay attention to what you can learn from them. Try not to judge them based on your own narrow point of view. The more you're able to empathize with others, the wiser you will be.[2]
Practice being a good listener, and ask a lot of questions to find out more. Really pay attention to what people are saying instead of letting your mind wander. Every conversation gives you the chance to understand someone better, broaden your views and thus become wiser.
Share yourself with the people you're talking to, too. Work on going deeper than casual conversation and fostering new friendships.

Be open-minded.
Instead of judging things you don’t know much about, consider them from every angle and make an effort to understand.[3] It's easy to base our views on the limited experiences we've had in life, but that's not the way to gain wisdom. You can't help that you've grown up in a certain place with certain people, but you can decide how open you are to learning about different ways of life.
Don’t base your opinions of things on what other people think, or whether something is popular. Do your own research and look at both sides of the story before you decide what you think about something.
For example, maybe you think a certain type of music isn’t cool because none of your friends like it. Before you jump on the bandwagon, try seeing a band play the music live, and read up on its history. When you've taken time to understand something, you can decide you don't like it, but not before then.

Part Two of Three:
Learning from Wise People

Enrich yourself with education. If you’re interested in learning something new, on erested in learning something new, one of the best ways to do it is by taking a class. The classes you take can be affiliated with a university, but they don’t have to be. Do some research to find out if community members where you live teach classes or workshops on their areas of expertise.
Self-directed learning is just as valuable as taking classes. If you don't have access to a class on a subject you'd like to know more about, find alternate ways to learn. Check out books from the library, interview people, and learn by doing.
For example, if you want to learn a new language, you could take a class or do so completely on your own. Find a group of people who speak the language, read books written in the language, and travel to the country where the language is spoken.

Find wise mentors. Who in your life strikes you as wise? Wisdom comes in many forms. It could be a pastor who gives people something important to reflect on each week. It could be a teacher who has the ability to inspire people with his or her knowledge. Maybe it’s a family member who reacts to every difficult situation with a level head.[4]
Identify why you feel the person is wise. Is it because the person is extremely well read? Does she give excellent advice when people are in need? Does he seem like he's figured out the meaning of life?
What can you learn from him or her? What life choices and behaviors can serve as an example to you? In a given situation, try asking yourself yourself what he or she would do.

Read as much as you can. Reading is a way to absorb other people’s perspectives, no matter what subject they’re writing about. It gives you an insight into the way other people think that’s impossible to get in any other way. Reading up on both sides of important matters gives you the information you need to form valid opinions and make reasoned decisions.

Realize that everyone is fallible. As you gain your own wisdom and experience, you’ll find that those you looked up to as mentors have their own failings. Don’t hold people to such high standards that their mistakes shock and repel you. Strive to see people’s humanity, which means not holding them up on pedestals but taking the bad along with the good.
Every child reaches a moment when he realizes his parents aren’t perfect, that they’re struggling to find the right path just like everyone else. Reaching the point where you see your parents as equals, people who mistakes just like everyone else, is a sign of maturity and wisdom.
Practice forgiveness when someone you revered makes a mistake. Try to empathize with people instead of kicking them when they're down.

Part Three of Three:
Putting Wisdom Into Practice

Be humble in new situations. As Socrates said, "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." It's difficult to fully grasp this concept until you're faced with a life situation that completely stumps you. No matter how smart you are, and how many experiences you've had, you'll encounter times when the line between right and wrong seems fuzzy and you aren't sure what choice to make.[5]
Don't go into a new situation presuming that you know just what to do. Examine the problem from all angles, meditate or pray, and then act according to your conscience. It's all you can do.
Accepting your limitations is a high form of wisdom. Know what you have to work with and use your talents to the fullest, but don’t pretend you have more than you do.

Think before acting. Take as much time as you need to deliberate on a problem before making a decision. Think about the pros and cons, taking your experience as well as others’ advice into account, so you make the wisest possible choice.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Turn to someone you think of as wise and ask for advice. However, even advice offered by someone you wholly trust should be taken with a grain of salt. Ultimately, you are the only person who can decide what's right for you to do.

Act on your values. Looking to people, religious tenets and books for advice and wisdom will only get you so far. Don't just accept a set of values because that's what you were taught. Ultimately, your values should be aligned with your conscience, that gut feeling that tells you what to do based on what you know to be true. When you have a big decision to make, call up your values and stick to them.
For example, let's say there's a person at work who's getting bullied, and you know sticking up for him will make your boss angry. What's the right thing to do? Think carefully and decide what's most important to you: keeping your job or helping someone who's hurting.
Stand up for your values in the face of criticism. This is no easy task, since throughout life people will tell you what they want you to do. Separate your values from those of other people and do what you know is right, no matter what.

Learn from your mistakes. Even a carefully considered decision can end up being the wrong one. Each time you have a new experience, reflect on it and think about what went well and what didn't. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, see what new findings you can apply the next time you face a similar situation.[6]
Don’t kick yourself for making a mistake. You’re human, and all you can do is learn from the growing pains you experience.
Realize there’s no such thing as perfection. The goal isn’t to be perfect or godlike, but to do your best to act on your conscience and be a good person throughout life.

Share your wisdom with others. That’s not to say you should tell people what to do; rather, lead by example. Show others the wisdom of being open, nonjudgmental and thoughtful in all situations. Think about the mentors who helped you along the way, and find ways to play that role for other people who might be able to benefit from what you've learned.
If someone asks for advice, do your best to point them in the direction that seems right. Don’t let your personal desires cloud your advice.

Tuesday 6 October 2015


Put an End to the Spreading of Prostate Cancer with This Herb

According to the experts, prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men. The good news is it can be treated successfully most especially when detected during its early stages. In fact, about 2 million men in the United States are considered as prostate cancer survivors.

Most men diagnosed with prostate cancer on its early stage may not require immediate treatment. However, active surveillance of the disease will be recommended by a specialist to detect the cancer’s progression. Radiation therapy, hormone therapy and surgical removal of the prostate gland are some of the recommended treatments. However, there is a particular herb that is known to be very good at stopping the spread of prostate cancer.

Before we tackle this prostate cancer-fighting herb which, by the way, can be easily obtained at your local supermarket or is very likely to be already in your kitchen, let us discuss a few more important matters about this disease.

Prostate cancer is a condition that affects the prostate gland — a tiny walnut-shaped gland surrounding the neck of the urinary bladder and whose function is to secrete seminal fluid for the sperm cells’ transport and nourishment. More often than not, the disease develops very slowly and the malignant cells remain in the prostate gland, causing no harm to the adjacent tissues or organs. However, there are also instances wherein prostate cancer can be so aggressive that it develops and spreads quickly.

The problem with prostate cancer is it may not be detected early because, in its initial stages, it produces no sign or symptom. Something that is more advanced, on the other hand, may cause signs and symptoms such as: presence of blood in the semen, trouble in urinating and decreased force in the urine’s stream, erectile dysfunction, bone pain and discomfort in the pelvic area.

Experts say that you are at higher risk of developing prostate cancer the older you get. Naturally, having a family history of prostate or breast cancer is a risk factor too. It is not clear why black men are more susceptible to developing prostate cancer that progresses quite easily. Being obese also puts you at high risk of prostate cancer as well as other cancers.

Now let us focus on the herb that is known to be highly effective at stopping the progression of prostate cancer. It’s the same home remedy for so many problems such as indigestion, nausea, morning sickness, migraine, PMS, colds, cough, flu, joint pain and even diabetes. If you guessed ginger, you’re absolutely right!

University of Michigan’s American Association for Cancer Research once conducted a study on cancer and ginger. Based on its findings, the consumption of ginger powder was able to wipe out cancer cells completely. Researchers found out that cancer cells, after being acted upon by ginger’s components, started destroying themselves.

There have been so many other studies done on ginger and its efficacy in killing off cancer cells. For instance, the British Journal of Nutrition once published that the participants of a particular investigation were able to reduce the number of their prostate cancer cells by as much as 56% with daily ginger consumption. Unlike chemotherapy drugs which destroy both healthy and malignant cells, ginger was able to zoom in on cancer cells.

Certain studies have shown that the consumption of ginger is also highly effective against ovarian cancer. Also, some proponents suggest that the intake of ginger oil is very good at dealing with cancer cells in the lungs.

For centuries now, ginger has been used by traditional healers for treating a lot of maladies, and it includes cancer. It is a good idea for someone with prostate cancer to opt for the recommended mode of treatment by his or her chosen specialist, as well as a home remedy such as the use of ginger in order to combat the condition effectively.

Thursday 1 October 2015


MAC.13 :3-9
Our heavenly constitution(BIBLE) reveal how  Simon revive the moral of the Isrealite at their point of  despondent and authomaticaly became their leader .GO WITH ME:
vers .3 ."and(SIMON) tried to encourage them by saying,

You know how much my father's family, my brothers, and I have done for the sake of the Law of Moses and the Temple. You also know about the wars we have fought and the troubles we have had. 4 All my brothers have been killed fighting for our Law, our Temple, and our nation, and I am the only one left. 5 But never let it be said that I tried to save my own life in a time of danger; I do not consider myself better than my brothers. 6 Not in the least! It is true that in their hatred all the Gentile nations have gathered together to destroy us, but I will fight to defend my nation, the Temple, and your loved ones.

7 These words immediately revived the morale of the people, 8 and they answered with a loud shout,

You are now our leader in place of your brothers Judas and Jonathan. 9 Fight our wars, and we will do whatever you ask".
           Can you encourage someone today and get heavenly and humanitarian reward ,just a word or a token can do that . see you soaring!

Wednesday 23 September 2015


3 Unhealthy Habits That Cause Bloating, Indigestion & Acid ReFLUX

The food coma is something we all experience now and again, but if you’re experiencing it every time you go out to a restaurant or every weekend, then something’s got to change. It’s not normal to feel sleepy, sluggish and bloated after every meal.

But what about when it’s not? What if you’re eating healthy, not overeating and yet you still feel sluggish and bloated afterwards? That’s where digestion comes in. Unfortunately most of us aren’t even aware that the eating habits we’ve developed as a society are causing us to feel this way.

Eating lots of starch and protein together

Steak and mashed potato. Burger and fries. Eggs Benedict. All the glorious combinations that make us want to pass out on the couch after. Eating large amounts of starch (e.g. bread, pasta, rice, potatoes) and protein (e.g. fish, chicken, beef, eggs) at the same time can cause indigestion and acid reflux.

This is because protein has a much slower rate of digestion, and starches digest much faster into simple sugars. Technically speaking, starches should be saying “hasta la vista” to the stomach pretty quickly and entering the next stage of digestion in the small intestine. But because they’re all mushed up with the protein in the stomach, they have to hang around and wait for hours until the protein finishes digesting too.

And when starches hang around too long, they ferment i.e. release gas which causes us to belch every so eloquently.


Eat your starch first, follow it up with protein afterwards. Don’t sweat it if you’re having a small portion of starch alongside your protein, the key is not to overdo the rice and potatoes. P.S. you can eat your veggies with starch and protein, either combo works well!

Having ice-cold water with your meal

When it comes to temperature of drinking water at a meal, opt for room temperature instead of cold. Ice-cold water constricts blood vessels, so it hinders the body’s ability to digest food and absorb nutrients.

Ice-cold water will also solidify any fats that are being eaten making them difficult to digest as well. Plus, your body’s energy is going to get diverted from trying to digest food to trying to regulate your body’s temperature. Sooo much unnecessary exhaustion.


Think Japanese. Order some hot water (with lemon, optional) or green tea before the start of your meal and slowly sip on it to prime your gut for optimal digestion. Always tell the server “no ice” and “room temperature”.

Keep in mind that these tips are for optimal digestion. If you suffer from weak digestion, these are far more applicable to you than someone who rarely suffers from feeling bloated or sluggish after a meal. These tips are also more crucial when you have a big brunch or celebratory meal coming up — basically, when you know a food coma is just around the corner.

Drinking lots of water with your meal

Feeling confused already? Water is wonderful. And it’s great to have with your meal in small sips, for the purpose of helping the food along the digestive tract. But drowning your meals with multiple glasses of water is just going to give you indigestion and make you feel bloated afterwards.

When food enters your stomach, a substance called hydrochloric acid (HCL) is secreted from the stomach lining to help begin the process of digestion. HCL is super acidic — after all, it needs to be in order to break big chunks of food into tiny, absorbable nutrients. So if you start chugging back water with your meal, you’re going to dilute the hydrochloric acid and thereby dampen its efforts.

If it helps to paint a picture, imagine a pool of water in your stomach with bits of food floating around, the acid just kind of fizzing out trying to do its job. Feeling gross and bloated already? Good, don’t do it!


Drink lots of water either an hour before or after your meals. Only sip on a glass of water throughout your meal.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Reasons Your Period May Be Late—Other Than Pregnancy

7 Reasons Your Period May Be Late—Other Than Pregnancy

Unless you're trying for a baby, getting your period regularly is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, you have to deal with cramps, bloating, and mood swings. On the other, yay, you’re not pregnant! Suddenly missing your period when babies aren’t on the agenda can be a real freak-out moment, but there are a few other factors that may be to blame. Here, ob-gyn Alyssa Dweck, M.D., co-author of V is for Vagina, offers potential reasons your period is late that have nothing to do with a bouncing bundle of joy.

Major Weight Loss or Excessive Exercise
“This is a reason I see not that infrequently in my office," says Dweck. "If your BMI rapidly dips below 18 or 19, you may start to miss periods." This isn’t strictly based on BMI, though. Serious conditions like anorexia and bulimia can cause missed periods, but so can training for a marathon or some other major event that requires you to exercise more than usual. "Nature has a way of protecting you from getting pregnant if your body is under such extreme stress. Your body prevents ovulation so you don’t have a lot of estrogen, don’t build a big uterine lining, and then don't get a period," says Dweck.

A big scary event in your life can cause hypothalamic amenorrhea. "This particular area of the brain, the hypothalamus, is where a lot of the hormones for your period are regulated," says Dweck. "The hypothalamus is very affected by stress." So if you’re dealing with a big move, death in the family, huge breakup, or any other life event that's shaking you up, it could be the cause.

A Thyroid Irregularity
The thyroid gland, located in your neck, regulates your metabolism. It also interacts with many other systems in your body to keep things running smoothly. “If you’re dealing with any type of thyroid imbalance, whether it’s hypo- or hyperthyroidism, that can have implications for your period,” says Dweck. If you notice other symptoms of a thyroid disorder, check in with your doctor for an official diagnosis.

Polycystic Ovary Symptom
PCOS is a hormone imbalance that comes down to a lack of ovulation, so you have altered levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. "We’re seeing a lot more of this, although there are varying degrees. It can cause you to completely miss your period or just not menstruate regularly," says Dweck. Other PCOS symptoms include hair growth in places like the face and chest, difficulty losing weight, and potential fertility issues. Your doctor can help you come up with a treatment plan to manage the conditi

Chronic Diseases Like Celiac
"I know celiac disease is on everyone's mind right now," says Dweck, referring to the disease that's characterized by gluten intolerance. "Any chronic disease that’s left untreated or undiagnosed is a stressor to your general system and can result in missed periods." Think celiac may be the cause of your weird period issues? Here’s how to figure out if you should get tested.

Your Birth Control
A missing period can actually be a harmless byproduct of the measures you take to avoid pregnancy. "Some low-dose pills will cause a lack of menses that isn’t dangerous and is many times a welcome side effect," says Dweck. The same goes for methods like hormonal IUDs, implants, or shots. It can also take some time for your period to come back if you've stopped birth control, but it will usually resume without issue in a few months.

Premature Menopause
When women under 40 have hormones misfiring in a significant way, they can go through premature menopause, also known as premature ovarian failure. Along with missed periods, signs of it include hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. "This isn’t very common, so you shouldn’t imme

Saturday 19 September 2015


8 Great Habits That Improves Fertility In Men

Infertility is a worldwide issue and is a major cause of marital disharmony. In Africa, its effect on the family is frequently seen as divorce from inability to raise children, social and family pressure on the affected couples, low self esteem and the financial burden needed for assisted reproduction.

Infertility is defined by World Health Organization as the inability of a heterosexual couple to achieve pregnancy despite regular and unprotected sexual intercourse for a period greater than one year. Infertility can be caused by the male, female partner or both. Statistically, about 20% is caused by the woman, 20% by the man, and 10% by both partners. The remaining percentage is usually termed as ‘infertility from unknown cause’.

Healthy sperm depends on factors like the Quantity, Quality and Motility. In this article, I will show you 8 great habits that improves fertility in men

Habits that improves fertility in men

1. Keep your underwear and dressing loose

Studies have shown that men who frequently wear tight fitted underwear and clothing stand a higher risk of becoming infertile. The testis which produce sperm cells is housed within a loose fitted sac known as the scrotum because the testes needs an optimal temperature for effective production of sperms. The scrotum is made up of specialized muscles that bring the scrotum close to the body when the environmental temperature is low and it also moves away from the body when the body temperature is higher than the environmental temperature. This effective physiological mechanism ensures optimal testicular temperature for sperm production. So any time you go shopping for your new under wears and trousers, always remember to buy loose fitted ones made of cotton. It is also important to note that nylon pants and trousers absorb more heat hence interfering with the functions of the testes. This is a great habit that improves fertility in men.

2. Eat right

“We are what we eat” is a popular phrase used by nutritionist and dietician. This is absolutely true because whatever we feed into our system is used by the cells of our body, so for healthy cells we need the right diet. Scientific studies have shown that eating meals rich in natural antioxidants e.g. Vitamin A, C, E, K, glutathione, zinc, selenium, folate and flavonoids improves fertility in men. This has an overall effect of boosting sperm count; improve sexual stamina and general health. Eat plenty of bright colored fruits and green vegetables, seafood and grains. Avoid meals rich in red meat, fats, sodas, and excessive carbohydrate because there can interfere significantly with the functions of the testis.

3. Avoid alcohol and tobacco

Excessive consumption of tobacco and alcohol affects the production of sperms by the testis. Tar and other toxins inhaled into the body during smoking damages the DNA of the sperm cells. The DNA is a structure that codes for the entire functions of the sperm so a defective DNA will translate to defective sperm cells. Alcohol has similar effect on the sperm cells. If you want to improve your fertility, then quit smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol.

4. Reduce exposure to occupational/ environmental toxins

Exposure to occupational or environment toxins pose a significant risk on infertility in men. Exposure to hydrocarbons insecticides, pesticides, industrial fumes, and printing/dry cleaning reagents reduces fertility rate in men. Always try to minimize exposure to such agents. Protective clothing must be used by men working in factories and companies to minimize occupational hazard.

5. Treat all STDs and avoid unprotected sexual intercourse

Untreated sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea may persist in the body thus damaging the sperm producing mechanism in the testes. There may also damage the tubes responsible for the transportation of  the sperm cells from the seminiferous tubules to the epididymis and the urethra. About 50% of infertile men are as a result of untreated or poorly treated gonorrhea and other STDs. Always endeavor to use condoms when having causal sexual intercourse and make sure you visit your doctor for treatment of STD. The sperm count/ function has been significantly improved in men after a course of antibiotics to eradicate any infection interfering with sperm production.

6. Reduce stress levels

Stress does not only affecting libido and sexual arousal, it also affect sperm production. For optimal sperm production, hormones like testosterone must be produced by the brain in sufficient amount to stimulate sperm production by the testis. Stress affects the production of reproductive hormones hence causing male infertility. Stress can be managed by exercising regularly and appropriately, massage, psychotherapy and slight alteration in lifestyle. A stress free live is a great habit that improves fertility in men.

7. Maintain adequate body weight

For men who want to boost their sexuality and also improve fertility, another great habit is for you to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet which will enable you lose weight and maintain your body weight. Fat accumulation interferes with the synthesis and function of testosterone in the body. This affects the rate at which sperm cells are produced. Obesity has other effect of increasing premature ejaculation, impotence, low self esteem and low sperm count.

8. Visit your doctor regularly

Evaluation for male infertility always begins with a sperm count. After the initial assessment by your doctor, he/she will request for a sperm count to be done. This measures the number of sperm cells per ml of ejaculate, the structure of the sperms, the function/ motility of the sperm cells and seminal fluid assay. Your doctor will also request for your hormone profile and will also check for other medical conditions like diabetes mellitus, drug interaction, and spinal cord disorders that may affect fertility. After the evaluation, your doctor will place you on the most appropriate therapy which will help improve your fertility.

Saturday 15 August 2015



      EFFECT; : a change that results when something is done or happens : an event, condition, or state of affairs that is produced by a cause.
        COMMUNION ; a Christian sacrament in which consecrated bread and wine are consumed as memorials of Christ's death or as symbols for the realization of a spiritual union between Christ and communicant or as the body and blood of Christ

375. What are the chief effects of a worthy Holy Communion?
The chief effects of a worthy Holy Communion are: first, a closer union with Our Lord and a more fervent love of God and of our neighbor; second, an increase of sanctifying grace; third, preservation from mortal sin and the remission of venial sin; fourth, the lessening of our inclinations to sin and the help to practice good works.

He who eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, abides in me and I in him. (John 6:56


JN 6:50
But the bread that comes down from heaven is of such a kind that whoever eats it will not die.

JN ;6:53-54
Jesus said to them, “I am telling you the truth: if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will not have life in yourselves. 54 Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them to life on the last day.
JN ;6:56
56 Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood live in me, and I live in them.
Because there is the one loaf of bread, all of us, though many, are one body, for we all share the same loaf.
6 This means that every time you eat this bread and drink from this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. 27 It follows that if one of you eats the Lord's bread or drinks from his cup in a way that dishonors him, you are guilty of sin against the Lord's body and blood.
28 SO then, you should each examine yourself first, and then eat the bread and drink from the cup. 29 For if you do not recognize the meaning of the Lord's body when you eat the bread and drink from the cup, you bring judgment on yourself as you eat and drink. 30 That is why many of you are sick and weak, and several have died.

1.You shall address "one another in psalms and hymns (Eph 5:19),
2. "sing praise to the Lord" (Eph 5:19)  in your heart,
3. "give thanks to God the Father always and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Eph 5:20), and
4. "submit to one another out of fear of the Lord" (Eph 5:21)


366. What is Holy Communion?
Holy Communion is the receiving of Jesus Christ in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

He who eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, abides in me and I in him. (John 6:57)

367. What is necessary to receive Holy Communion worthily?
To receive Holy Communion worthily it is necessary to be free from mortal sin, to have a right intention, and to obey the Church's laws on the fast required before Holy Communion out of reverence for the body and blood of Our Divine Lord. However, there are some cases in which Holy Communion may be received without fasting.

Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily, will be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. (I Corinthians 11:27)

368. Does he who knowingly receives Holy Communion in mortal sin receive the body and blood of Christ and His graces?
He who knowingly receives Holy Communion in mortal sin receives the body and blood of Christ; but he does not receive His graces and he commits a grave sin of sacrilege.

Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily, will be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. (I Corinthians 11:27)

369. What should we do to receive more abundantly the graces of Holy Communion?
To receive more abundantly the graces of Holy Communion we should strive to be most fervent and to free ourselves from deliberate venial sin.

370. Does the Church now command us to fast from midnight before Holy Communion?
The Church does not now command us to fast from midnight before Holy Communion, as it did formerly. The laws enacted by Pope Pius XII now regulate this matter by the number of hours we must fast.

371. When may Holy Communion be received without fasting?
Holy Communion may be received without fasting when one is in danger of death, or when it is necessary to save the Blessed Sacrament from insult or injury.

372. What are the laws enacted by Pope Pius XII regarding the fast required before Holy Communion?
The laws enacted by Pope Pius XII regarding the fast required before Holy Communion are the following:

Water may be taken at any time before Holy Communion without breaking the fast.
Sick persons, though not confined to bed, may receive Holy Communion after taking medicine or nonalcoholic drinks. A priest's permission is not necessary.
All Catholics may receive Holy Communion after fasting one hour from food and drink including even alcoholic beverages in moderation. This rule applies to Holy Communion at midnight Mass as well as at Masses celebrated in the morning, afternoon or evening. A priest's permission is not needed.
One may not receive Holy Communion a second time on the same day, unless the danger of death arises, when he can receive the Blessed Sacrament as Viaticum. But one who has received the Holy Eucharist at the midnight Mass of Christmas or at the Mass of the Easter Vigil may receive again in the course of the day. These rules show the Church's desire that all Catholics partake of the Holy Eucharist frequently.
373. How should we prepare ourselves for Holy Communion?
We should prepare ourselves for Holy Communion by thinking of Our Divine Redeemer whom we are about to receive, and by making fervent acts of faith, hope, love, and contrition.

Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under my roof. (Matthew 8:8)

374. What should we do after Holy Communion?
After Holy Communion we should spend some time adoring Our Lord, thanking Him, renewing our promises of love and of obedience to Him, and asking Him for blessings for ourselves and others.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7)

375. What are the chief effects of a worthy Holy Communion?
The chief effects of a worthy Holy Communion are: first, a closer union with Our Lord and a more fervent love of God and of our neighbor; second, an increase of sanctifying grace; third, preservation from mortal sin and the remission of Venial sin; fourth, the lessening of out of inclinations to sin and the help to practice good works.

He who eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, abides in me and I in him. (John 6:57)

376. When are we obliged to receive Holy Communion?
We are obliged to receive Holy Communion during Easter time each year and when in danger of death.

377. Why is it well to receive Holy Communion often, even daily?
It is well to receive Holy Communion often, even daily, because this intimate union with Jesus Christ, the Source of all holiness and the Giver of all graces, is the greatest aid to a holy life.

And they continued steadfastly in the teaching of the apostles and in the communion of the breaking of the bread and in the prayers. (Acts 2:42)

378. How should we show our gratitude to Our Lord for remaining always on our altars in the Holy Eucharist?
We should show our gratitude to Our Lord for remaining always on our altars in the Holy Eucharist by visiting Him often, by reverence in church, by assisting every day at Mass when this is possible, by attending parish devotions, and by being present at Benediction of the Blessed Sacramen

Friday 14 August 2015


          PROV .23:7
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee".
The rich  in the world think and act differently than everyone else. The thing is, a lot of the wealthiest people not only had to earn their wealth, but now they also have to add to it and maintain it. If you ever wanted to know how they achieved that sort of financial success, you have to start with what the rich know about money.

1. Money equals freedom.

ECC; 10:19
"A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things"

Kevin O'Leary, the successful Canadian businessman and investor on Shark Tank, once said that "Money equals freedom.” That’s something that the rich realize. While money can’t buy freedom, having enough money to not only meet your basic needs, like food or shelter, it gives you the freedom to choose what you want to do, when you want to do it.

Tired of your boss or job? You'll have the freedom to quit, if you want, which makes any job more palatable. Want to plan a vacation to Hawaii? No problem, you are personally choosing your hours and how early or late you will work. Want to launch a new business venture? You have the means and networking contacts to pursue this dream. What happens when you get sick? You can afford the best doctors and medical care.

2. Look for investments every day.

  ECC ;11:1
" Invest your money in foreign trade, and one of these days you will make a profit".

The rich are always thinking about the future, which is why they are constantly on the lookout for new investment opportunities in everyday life. Whether it’s their teenager informing them about the latest social media platform or finding a new food item in the grocery store, the rich how to spot ways to increase their wealth, no matter where they are. They always listen, even if they don’t like what they are hearing about an investment.

3. Stay away from complex investments.

The rich know to stay away from complex investments like hedge funds and mortgage-backed securities. Why? Because these types of investments present a number of problems that include not having any control about the risks involved. The rich stay aware of getting hit with expensive fees, and these type of investments are usually sold to investors who don’t understand them. If the rich don't understand the investment, they don't buy it.

4. Not spending is the same as making money.

This doesn’t mean that you always have to cut back or become a penny pincher. It means that if you make sacrifices in one area, you can use that money for an investment. For example, if you’re flying from New York to Chicago and a first class plane ticket costs more than $3,000, do you think that you could take a seat in business class because it’s $1,000 less? In a way, you may have just earned $1,000, which could be used for acquiring assets that bring in additional funds. Money working by itself is money you don't have to earn again.

5. Invest in appreciating assets.
"Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food."
The rich keep their wealth by not wasting all of their funds on items like clothing and vehicles. Instead, they wisely invest in appreciating assets. Tatiana Morales defines appreciating assets on CBS as “Assets that have the potential to increase in value and/or produce income.” This include liquid assets like cash, investments like stocks and bonds, and property.

6. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Put your investments in several places—many places even—because you never know what kind of bad luck you are going to have in this world.
    The wealthy never put all of their money into one or two stocks. As Investopedia clearly states, “it is foolish to invest all your money in one investment.” That’s why it’s important to have a diversified portfolio that includes a variety of investments, stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Your portfolio could also include business investments, real estate and collectibles.

Remember, diversification isn’t just investing in different companies. It’s investing in different types of companies. For example, you wouldn’t invest your money in four different fast food companies. You would invest in one fast food company and the rest in companies in the oil, retail or tech industries. If something fails, you are still protected with your other investments.

7. Net worth isn’t self-worth.

The rich are well aware that money can’t buy you love, respect, friends or happiness. They realize that their self-worth can’t be measured by their financial success. As author Ken Solin points out in the Huffington Post, who do you think has more self-worth? The isolated man with a billion dollars in his bank account or the man who listens to his wife, spends quality time with his children, has authentic friendships and is a volunteer.
                      49 OJOGIWA STREET JANKARA MKT
                       LAGOS ISLAND

Tuesday 11 August 2015


Daily Habits That Accelerates Age Fast

1. Multitasking. Some think that multitasking is good, but in reality, you don’t get to finish anything; thus, creating more stress on your part. Studies have presented that chronic stress triggers the release of free radicals that damages your cell, making you age. Instead of trying to do all at the same time, experts suggest focusing on one task at a time and only move to another once you have accomplished it.

2. Giving space for dessert. For a sweet tooth like you, you have to think twice again after reading this. Sweets, aside from adding pounds to your weight also add years to your face. The damaging process known as glycation can result to skin’s loss of radiance, appearance of dark circles under the eyes, puffiness, increased pore size, fine lines and wrinkles as well as loss of facial contours. Do you want to preserve your skin’s youthful glow? Then, limit intake of sugary treats.

3. Sleeping less than five hours every single day. Sleep deprivation not only brings in dark bags under the eyes but it has been linked to shorter lifespan. Lack of quality sleep also has adverse effects on the skin that leads to development of wrinkles and uneven pigmentation. In addition, it reduces skin elasticity. More than the skin problems, lack of sleep leads to mental sluggishness, attention problems and weight gain.

4. Spending several hours watching television. Too much movie or TV time shortens your life expectancy. While you enjoy ogling at your favorite actor on TV, too much time gluing yourself to it will also make you overweight. Stop the couch potato madness and start embracing an active lifestyle.

5. Lighting up the dangerous stick. Smoking has several effects on your overall health including the skin. In a recent study, it has found that smoking is also linked to facial aging. In a study that surveyed sets of twins, each set have one twin who smoke and the other who did not. In less than five years, the difference between the twins are noticed as the one who smoked had more wrinkles, fine lines and dull skin as compared to the other twin who did not smoke.

6. Skipping the use of sunblock. Just because summer is over, you will forget lathering on sunblock to your skin. Skin experts reveal that running errands, driving and walking back and forth daily without wearing sun protection may do more damage to your skin than spending a day in the beach. Moreover, these experts emphasize that exposure to ultraviolet rays is the number one cause of premature aging. With that, it is advised to use sunblock even on cloudy days because UV rays are still present. Thus, sunblock should not be a thing for summer but also a necessity for any season. Studies show that consistent sun exposure causes wrinkles, age spots, uneven skin tone and rough skin texture, making you older than your age.

7. Wearing too much makeup. Excessive wearing of makeup especially oil-based products can clog the skin pores and cause breakouts. In addition, overuse of skin products with fragrances, irritating chemicals and alcohol may dry the skin by removing its natural oil, causing premature lines and wrinkles. Thus, use makeup appropriate for your skin or consult your dermatologist for proper guidance when it comes to makeup and skin caring.

8. Sleeping with your face in the pillow. Did you know that sleeping on your stomach or on your side with your face smashed into pillow can create wrinkles and accelerate aging? A dermatologist confirms that the connective tissue and collagen in your face becomes weaker and less supportive with age. Avoid sleeping on the same side of your face night after night. It is advised to sleep on your back or invest in a satin pillowcase to keep skin smooth.

9. Removing all fat from your diet. A certified nutritionist tells that some fat is necessary for maintaining a youthful feeling and appearance. Indulge in good fats like omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel and certain nuts such as walnuts and flax seeds to keep skin supple and plump. Eating omega 3 fatty acid rich food helps in preventing the appearance of wrinkles as well as boosting heart and brain health. The group of nutritionists recommends to include fish in your meals at least twice a week.

10. Neglecting the use of eye cream. Skin expert emphasizes the need to include application of eye cream in your usual skin care routine. Skin around the eyes is thinner than the skin on the rest of the face. The skin under the eyes age faster; hence, keeping them moisturized can take years off your face. Putting eye cream promotes formation of collagen and elastin that helps in tightening the skin and reducing fine lines around the eyes.

Saturday 1 August 2015

sunday topic

WITCHCRAFT- : magical things that are done by witches : the use of magical powers obtained especially from evil spirits

     MAGIC: - a power that allows people (such as witches and wizards) to do impossible things by saying special words or performing special actions : tricks that seem to be impossible and that are done by a performer to entertain people
   It is not easy to draw a clear distinction between magic and witchcraft. Both are concerned with the producing of effects beyond the natural powers of man by agencies other than the Divine (cf. OCCULT ART, OCCULTISM). But in witchcraft, as commonly understood, there is involved the idea of a diabolical pact or at least an appeal to the intervention of the spirits of evil. In such cases this supernatural aid is usually invoked either to compass the death of some obnoxious person, or to awaken the passion of love in those who are the objects of desire, or to call up the dead, or to bring calamity or impotence upon enemies, rivals, and fancied oppressors. This is not an exhaustive enumeration, but these represent some of the principal purposes that witchcraft has been made to serve at nearly all periods of the world's history.

In the traditional belief, not only of the dark ages, but of post-Reformation times, the witches or wizards addicted to such practices entered into a compact with Satan, abjured Christ and the Sacraments, observed "the witches' sabbath" — performing infernal rites which often took the shape of a parody of the Mass or the offices of the Church — paid Divine honour to the Prince of Darkness, and in return received from him preternatural powers, such as those of riding through the air on a broomstick, assuming different shapes at will, and tormenting their chosen victims, while an imp or "familiar spirit" was placed at their disposal, able and willing to perform any service that might be needed to further their nefarious purposes.

The belief in witchcraft and its practice seem to have existed among all primitive peoples. Both in ancient Egypt and in Babylonia it played a conspicuous part, as existing records plainly show. It will be sufficient to quote a short section from the recently recovered Code of Hammurabi (about 2000 B.C.). It is there prescribed,

If a man has laid a charge of witchcraft and has not justified it, he upon whom the witchcraft is laid shall go to the holy river; he shall plunge into the holy river and if the holy river overcome him, he who accused him shall take to himself his house.

In the Holy Scripture references to witchcraft are frequent, and the strong condemnations of such practices which we read there do not seem to be based so much upon the supposition of fraud as upon the "abomination" of the magic in itself. (See Deuteronomy 18:11-12; Exodus 22:18, "wizards thou shalt not suffer to live" — A.V. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".) The whole narrative of Saul's visit to the witch of Endor (1 Samuel 28) implies the reality of the witch's evocation of the shade of Samuel; and from Leviticus 20:27: "A man or woman in whom there is a pythonical or divining spirit, dying let them die: they shall stone them: Their blood be upon them", we should naturally infer that the divining spirit was not a mere imposture. The prohibitions of sorcery in the New Testament leave the same impression (Galatians 5:20, compared with Apocalypse 21:8; 22:15; and Acts 8:9; 13:6). Supposing that the belief in witchcraft were an idle superstition, it would be strange that the suggestion should nowhere be made that the evil of these practices only lay in the pretending to the possession of powers which did not really exist.
LEV 20:6-7“If any of you go for advice to people who consult the spirits of the dead, I will turn against you and will no longer consider you one of my people. 7 Keep yourselves holy, because I am the LORD your God.
            DEUT 18 : 10-12
10 Don't sacrifice your children the fires on your altars; and don't let your people p
ractice divination or look for omens or use spells 11 or charms, and don't let them consult the spirits of the dead. 12 The LORD your God hates people who do these disgusting things, and that is why he is driving those nations out of the land as you advance.

2 KG 1:15-16
5 The angel of the LORD said to Elijah, “Go down with him, and don't be afraid.” So Elijah went with the officer to the king 16 and said to him, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Because you sent messengers to consult Baalzebub, the god of Ekron—as if there were no god in Israel to consult—you will not get well; you will die!’”

1 SAM.15-18
5 Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me? Why did you make me come back?”

Saul answered, “I am in great trouble! The Philistines are at war with me, and God has abandoned me. He doesn't answer me any more, either by prophets or by dreams. And so I have called you, for you to tell me what I must do.”

16 Samuel said, “Why do you call me when the LORD has abandoned you and become your enemy? 17 The LORD has done to you what he told you through me: he has taken the kingdom away from you and given it to David instead. 18 You disobeyed the LORD's command and did not completely destroy the Amalekites and all they had. That is why the LORD is doing this to you now.
            IS 47:12-15
n you never dreamed of! 12 Keep all your magic spells and charms; you have used them since you were young. Perhaps they will be of some help to you; perhaps you can frighten your enemies. 13 You are powerless in spite of the advice you get. Let your astrologers come forward and save you

those people who study the stars, who map out the zones of the heavens and tell you from month to month what  is going to happen to you.

14 “They will be like bits of straw, and a fire will burn them up! They will not even be able to save themselves—the flames will be too hot for them, not a cozy fire to warm themselves by. 15 That is all the good they will do you—those astrologers you've consulted all your life. They all will leave you and go their own way, and none will be left to save you.”
               ACTS 19:13-19
13 Some Jews who traveled around and drove out evil spirits also tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus to do this. They said to the evil spirits, “I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches.” 14 Seven brothers, who were the sons of a Jewish High Priest named Sceva, were doing this.

15 But the evil spirit said to them, “I know Jesus, and I know about Paul; but you—who are you?”

16 The man who had the evil spirit in him attacked them with such violence that he overpowered them all. They ran away from his house, wounded and with their clothes torn off. 17 All the Jews and Gentiles who lived in Ephesus heard about this; they were all filled with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was given greater honor. 18 Many of the believers came, publicly admitting and revealing what they had done. 19 Many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in public. They added up the price of the books, and the total came to fifty thousand silver coins. 

Saturday 18 July 2015


  A PROMISE is a committment by someone to do or not do something.
  A VOW is a promise solemnly made to GOD. The promise is binding, and so differs from a simple resolution which is a present purpose to do or omit certain things in the future. As between man and man, a promise pledges the faith of the man who makes it; he promises, wishing some other person to trust him, and depend upon him. By his fidelity he shows himself worthy of trust ; If he breaks his word, he loses credit, By causing the other a disappointment which is destructive of mutual confidence — and, like faith, mutual confidence is important to society, for the natural law condemns all conduct which shakes this confidence. These statement do not apply to a promise made to God; it is impossible for me to deceive God as to my present intention, and He knows whether I shall be constant in the future:

                        TYPE OF VOW
*To be more closer to GOD
*To commite onceself to GOD
* To obtain favore from God
* moral in prayer.
                   BIBLE 'S vIEW ON VOW/PROMISE
Numbers 30:2 If a man vows a vow to theLord, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth
. Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 When you vow a vow to God, do not delay paying it, for he has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you vow. It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay.
  Psalm 89:3 I will not violate my covenant or alter the word that went forth from my lips.
  Matthew 5:37 Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but ispatient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
Numbers 30:1-2 Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of the people of Israel, saying, “This IS what the LORD HAS commanded. If a man vows a vow to theLord, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.
Matthew 5:33 “Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.
* BY KNOWING THE REWARDS/implication of not fulfilling them

Sunday 12 July 2015


Persuading others – influencing skills
Leaders and managers need to be able to influence others, rather than just issue orders. They need to be able to carry the workforce with them by the force of their personality.
We look at how to get your ideas accepted by colleagues and managers. Plan and implement your campaign using Robert Cialdini’s Six Principles of Influence. Once you understand the principles you can plan how to use them effectively in your campaign.

We will look at what not to do, behaviours to avoid, and what makes a successful influencer.

Why are these skills important?

The ability to persuade and influence others is an important management skill.
Management is “achieving things through other people” so it follows that the ability to persuade and influence others is an important skill for leaders and managers.
In our more relaxed culture, people respond better to influencing than the old style regime of issuing orders. Someone who has effective skills in this area has a valuable skill that will help them to advance their career.
The ability to influence people to get things done is actually a life skill too. Every day we need to persuade kids to go to school, colleagues to supply us with some information, partners to get the shopping on the way home from work.
Persuasion and influencing skills could be said to be the ability to convince others to take the action you want them to, ideally without even realising you have influenced them, and definitely without using manipulation, coercion, or nagging ! The objective is to persuade them to want what you want.

Is this negotiation?

You could view influencing and persuading as similar to negotiation, but it is not so overt. In a negotiation there is compromise, perhaps a winner. Influencing is persuading others to follow you, successfully selling your ideas.
You can influence staff, colleagues, and even senior management to accept your ideas, and can help to bring about changes in the business, by convincing others your ideas are good.
But it is true that there may be elements of negotiation in persuading others to agree with you and accept your ideas.

Who needs these skills?

Almost everyone would benefit from honing these skills. It is a competency that will appear on many job descriptions. In fact the skill will in itself affect the interview and its outcome- you need to persuade them you are the best person for the position.
The skills are particularly important in roles such as sales, marketing, and buying, and for people who work in roles such as barristers and solicitors who appear in a courtroom and have to persuade and influence a judge and jury.
If you are asked to evidence this competency in an interview, you could use life references , such as raising funds for a charity, selling tickets for your local choir concerts, keeping your children in order! Or perhaps you persuaded your landlord to pay for a redecoration of your apartment on the grounds that it would be easier to let next time.

How do you persuade others to accept your ideas?
Imagine you have a meeting with senior management, who you want to influence to accept your idea and proposal. You need to plan the meeting in the same way as you would plan a negotiation or a sales meeting.
Before the meeting, you will need to consider their wants and needs, and construct an argument that demonstrates logically how your proposal meets those needs. Explain the benefits (not the features) and then argue your case with conviction.
Remember to praise them and their company, ideas, performance.
Acknowledge their success.
Don’t contradict them outright, say “that is correct, but “.
Mirror their body language
Use their names.
Identify and build on common ground. Give a reasoned argument, backing up your points with examples. Get your points across confidently, using positive language and body language.
Handle objections carefully and thoroughly. Remember, an objection is an opportunity to sell. . If you overcome objections convincingly, you will win supporters. Remember that people wouldn’t bother raising objections if they were not interested and at least considering your proposal.

The Six Principles of Influence

The Six Principles of Influence were defined by Robert Cialdini, and published in his book, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.” in 1984.
The principles are: reciprocity, commitment, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity. The principles should be used honestly and truthfully and not to manipulate or deceive. Let’s look at each one, and how you might use it in the scenario we are discussing of getting an idea accepted by senior management.

1. Reciprocity

People feel obliged to return favours. So if you have helped a colleague, they may feel obliged to support your proposal.
You could identify someone whose support you would value, and support them or do some favours for them. Or you may be in a position to remind others of favours already done for them

2. Commitment and Consistency

We like to be consistent. So a colleague who has been interested in your proposal initially will probably continue to support it as the idea is developed.
Try to get people’s commitment and “buy in” early on, by involving them in the development of the idea.

3. Social Proof

Or “herd behaviour “. People will go into a busy shop, but are less likely to go into an empty one. If someone supports your idea, others they will follow.
Work hard to get “buy in” from other influencers in your organisation.

4. Liking

We are more likely to be influenced by people we like, or who are similar in age, race or background, because we relate to them and tend to trust them.
Build trust and support over time with the decision makers.

5. Authority

We are used to following the lead of people in positions of authority.
Build support from senior figures and established influencers, even if they are not the decision makers for your project

6. Scarcity

Things are more attractive when they are scarce or there is a time pressure to buy them at a discount.
This is difficult to use directly in our scenario, but you could use urgency, or the pressure of consequences if your idea is not accepted

Behaviours to avoid

Don’t push a point too hard or too long, unless you are handling objections. Look for “buying signals” from your audience – people nodding and smiling. If everyone has “bought in”, then don’t labour your point just because you have more to say. Your audience will disengage, their minds will wander to other tasks waiting for them on their desks, or what shopping they need to pick up on the way home. Move on.
Don’t confuse people by giving them too much unnecessary and irrelevant information. Keep to the point – what is relevant to them and their wants and needs?
Don’t make assumptions about deep seated beliefs. This is different from anticipating their needs intelligently.
Don’t appear desperate, maintain your dignity.

What makes a successful persuader or influencer?

A successful influencer is usually a likeable personality who can connect with their audience by building rapport. They are good listeners. Empathetic, excellent communicators, confident in their own ability. They are reliable and responsible, and build trust.

Friday 10 July 2015


Persuading others – influencing skills
Leaders and managers need to be able to influence others, rather than just issue orders. They need to be able to carry the workforce with them by the force of their personality.
We look at how to get your ideas accepted by colleagues and managers. Plan and implement your campaign using Robert Cialdini’s Six Principles of Influence. Once you understand the principles you can plan how to use them effectively in your campaign.

We will look at what not to do, behaviours to avoid, and what makes a successful influencer.

Why are these skills important?

The ability to persuade and influence others is an important management skill.
Management is “achieving things through other people” so it follows that the ability to persuade and influence others is an important skill for leaders and managers.
In our more relaxed culture, people respond better to influencing than the old style regime of issuing orders. Someone who has effective skills in this area has a valuable skill that will help them to advance their career.
The ability to influence people to get things done is actually a life skill too. Every day we need to persuade kids to go to school, colleagues to supply us with some information, partners to get the shopping on the way home from work.
Persuasion and influencing skills could be said to be the ability to convince others to take the action you want them to, ideally without even realising you have influenced them, and definitely without using manipulation, coercion, or nagging ! The objective is to persuade them to want what you want.

Is this negotiation?

You could view influencing and persuading as similar to negotiation, but it is not so overt. In a negotiation there is compromise, perhaps a winner. Influencing is persuading others to follow you, successfully selling your ideas.
You can influence staff, colleagues, and even senior management to accept your ideas, and can help to bring about changes in the business, by convincing others your ideas are good.
But it is true that there may be elements of negotiation in persuading others to agree with you and accept your ideas.

Who needs these skills?

Almost everyone would benefit from honing these skills. It is a competency that will appear on many job descriptions. In fact the skill will in itself affect the interview and its outcome- you need to persuade them you are the best person for the position.
The skills are particularly important in roles such as sales, marketing, and buying, and for people who work in roles such as barristers and solicitors who appear in a courtroom and have to persuade and influence a judge and jury.
If you are asked to evidence this competency in an interview, you could use life references , such as raising funds for a charity, selling tickets for your local choir concerts, keeping your children in order! Or perhaps you persuaded your landlord to pay for a redecoration of your apartment on the grounds that it would be easier to let next time.
How do you persuade others to accept your ideas?

Imagine you have a meeting with senior management, who you want to influence to accept your idea and proposal. You need to plan the meeting in the same way as you would plan a negotiation or a sales meeting.
Before the meeting, you will need to consider their wants and needs, and construct an argument that demonstrates logically how your proposal meets those needs. Explain the benefits (not the features) and then argue your case with conviction.
Remember to praise them and their company, ideas, performance.
Acknowledge their success.
Don’t contradict them outright, say “that is correct, but “.
Mirror their body language
Use their names.
Identify and build on common ground. Give a reasoned argument, backing up your points with examples. Get your points across confidently, using positive language and body language.
Handle objections carefully and thoroughly. Remember, an objection is an opportunity to sell. . If you overcome objections convincingly, you will win supporters. Remember that people wouldn’t bother raising objections if they were not interested and at least considering your proposal.

The Six Principles of Influence

The Six Principles of Influence were defined by Robert Cialdini, and published in his book, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.” in 1984.
The principles are: reciprocity, commitment, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity. The principles should be used honestly and truthfully and not to manipulate or deceive. Let’s look at each one, and how you might use it in the scenario we are discussing of getting an idea accepted by senior management.

1. Reciprocity

People feel obliged to return favours. So if you have helped a colleague, they may feel obliged to support your proposal.
You could identify someone whose support you would value, and support them or do some favours for them. Or you may be in a position to remind others of favours already done for them

2. Commitment and Consistency

We like to be consistent. So a colleague who has been interested in your proposal initially will probably continue to support it as the idea is developed.
Try to get people’s commitment and “buy in” early on, by involving them in the development of the idea.

3. Social Proof

Or “herd behaviour “. People will go into a busy shop, but are less likely to go into an empty one. If someone supports your idea, others they will follow.
Work hard to get “buy in” from other influencers in your organisation.

4. Liking

We are more likely to be influenced by people we like, or who are similar in age, race or background, because we relate to them and tend to trust them.
Build trust and support over time with the decision makers.

5. Authority

We are used to following the lead of people in positions of authority.
Build support from senior figures and established influencers, even if they are not the decision makers for your project

6. Scarcity

Things are more attractive when they are scarce or there is a time pressure to buy them at a discount.
This is difficult to use directly in our scenario, but you could use urgency, or the pressure of consequences if your idea is not accepted

Behaviours to avoid

Don’t push a point too hard or too long, unless you are handling objections. Look for “buying signals” from your audience – people nodding and smiling. If everyone has “bought in”, then don’t labour your point just because you have more to say. Your audience will disengage, their minds will wander to other tasks waiting for them on their desks, or what shopping they need to pick up on the way home. Move on.
Don’t confuse people by giving them too much unnecessary and irrelevant information. Keep to the point – what is relevant to them and their wants and needs?
Don’t make assumptions about deep seated beliefs. This is different from anticipating their needs intelligently.
Don’t appear desperate, maintain your dignity.

What makes a successful persuader or influencer?

A successful influencer is usually a likeable personality who can connect with their audience by building rapport. They are good listeners. Empathetic, excellent communicators, confident in their own ability. They are reliable and responsible, and build trust.

Thursday 9 July 2015


The strategy defines the long term goals of the business. Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise. It is the identification of the purpose of the organization and the plans and tactics required to achieve the defined strategy.
According to Wikipedia, Strategic management defines the major initiatives taken by a company’s top management on behalf of owners, involving resources and performance in internal and external environments. It includes specifying the mission, vision and objectives and developing policies and plans designed to achieve these objectives, and allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, projects and programs.
Strategic management is an ongoing process that evaluates and controls the business in which the company is involved.
It used to be the case that businesses had a one year plan, including a budget, a five year plan and a ten year plan .These defined the medium and long term goals of the company and were the strategic plan.
In today’s fast developing world, a five and ten year plan may be unrealistic – who knows what changes technological developments will have wreaked in five or ten years? So this timescale is often “telescoped “into a shorter, more appropriate, time frame to enable the strategy to be reviewed frequently.
Strategy should be reassessed regularly, perhaps annually or quarterly, to review how it has been implemented, whether it is successful or needs to be replaced by an updated strategy to meet changed economic factors, new technology, new competitors, or a new social, financial, or political environment.
Without a clear strategic vision it is extremely difficult to effectively manage, change or develop a The strategy defines the long term goals of the business. Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise. It is the identification of the purpose of the organization and the plans and tactics required to achieve the defined strategy.
According to Wikipedia, Strategic management defines the major initiatives taken by a company’s top management on behalf of owners, involving resources and performance in internal and external environments. It includes specifying the mission, vision and objectives and developing policies and plans designed to achieve these objectives, and allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, projects and programs.
Strategic management is an ongoing process that evaluates and controls the business in which the company is involved.
It used to be the case that businesses had a one year plan, including a budget, a five year plan and a ten year plan .These defined the medium and long term goals of the company and were the strategic plan.
In today’s fast developing world, a five and ten year plan may be unrealistic – who knows what changes technological developments will have wreaked in five or ten years? So this timescale is often “telescoped “into a shorter, more appropriate, time frame to enable the strategy to be reviewed frequently.
Strategy should be reassessed regularly, perhaps annually or quarterly, to review how it has been implemented, whether it is successful or needs to be replaced by an updated strategy to meet changed economic factors, new technology, new competitors, or a new social, financial, or political environment.
Without a clear strategic vision it is extremely difficult to effectively manage, change or develop a business. Any decisions made by the management team will be entirely arbitrary without a clear Strategy, with no way to align decisions with the strategy. Decisions may be made that take the company in the wrong direction in the short term.
Well run businesses establish and review Strategy on a regular basis to ensure it fits with all external and internal factors.
Employee motivation is linked to the ability of the management team to create a Strategy and communicate it throughout the organization frequently.
Management should ensure that the current Strategy or strategic direction is embodied into the culture of their businesses and clearly understood by their employees, who are then engaged in the business and more understanding and supportive of the tactical decisions or steps taken by the management team to deliver the Strategy.
Many industrial relations disputes result from a lack of openness by the management team and lack of understanding of the motives of the managers. Communication of the Strategy and tactical plans to deliver the Strategy are critical. It is important to simplify the Strategy so that it can be clearly communicated and understood at all levels, from the boardroom to the most junior staff.
In reality Strategy is most often reviewed when a business is undergoing a change in the circumstances around it, such as a merger or acquisition or investing in new plant or machinery.
If your company is starting out, developing your business strategy will be part of the business planning exercise, and there will be uncertainty about the future prospects of the business.
Be realistic about sales targets and forecasts, and build in contingencies where cash-flow is concerned.
Success in business has much to do with having a vision, strong focus, and having some idea of the direction you need to take to realize the goals and vision.
Many companies compose short concise mission statements that claim to be their “vision, mission and values”. Sometimes these are so clichéd that they are ineffective, and so ambiguous that it is impossible to measure if the business is achieving their goals.
Having a strong vision is one thing, but to achieve growth and success, you need a team who share your passion and your dream. Successful leaders are the ones who can communicate their vision and mission to their followers, colleagues who will then support them to achieve the goals.
Turning a dream into reality needs a strategy, and a plan to drive the business forward. It will incorporate the approach you are going to take for every aspect of your business and define which products and services you are going to offer and how you are going to deliver them.
Most businesses will need a Business Strategy, and, if your company is large enough, this will flow into individual strategies for each of the business functions. The most common of these is a Marketing Strategy.
This will consider corporate identity and branding, products and markets, customer profile, pricing policy, online presence and marketing strategy, social media strategy, marketing campaigns
The business strategy needs to address the key issues of the business;-
Are we positioned to benefit from new technologies?
When a company is established there is usually a clear vision of its objectives, but as time goes by this evolves. The company may still have the same ambitions, but the vision may have changed as it evolves and grows and technology changes around the business. The plan should consider both the present and the future – what would success look like this time next year?
This is probably the most important role of the executive today. To stand still, even for an instant, is to be left behind as all around you move forward at speed to exploit new and developing technologies.
Corporate Social Responsibility
A business needs to be profitable to invest in growth and innovation, but companies should have a corporate social responsibility theme in their strategy. What does the business really care about? What principles are important to its owners and management?
What can we contribute to the world?
Presumably customers want our products or services. Market research needs to be undertaken regularly to check what consumers really value, how much are they prepared to pay for it, and what they would prefer to experience. Can the company do it better, greener, cleaner, more ethically?
Are we compromising?
Does the company’s vision clash with achieving other goals, such as achieving profit, or ensuring employment .Perhaps short term sacrifices need to be made to achieve the long-term vision.
Are we all in this together?
Is everyone on your team on board with the same belief in the vision? Are they committed, do they understand what they have to contribute? It’s important to listen to everyone to ensure the business stays on track . Any decisions made by the management team will be entirely arbitrary without a clear Strategy, with no way to align decisions with the strategy. Decisions may be made that take the company in the wrong direction in the short term.
Well run businesses establish and review Strategy on a regular basis to ensure it fits with all external and internal factors.
Employee motivation is linked to the ability of the management team to create a Strategy and communicate it throughout the organization frequently.
Management should ensure that the current Strategy or strategic direction is embodied into the culture of their businesses and clearly understood by their employees, who are then engaged in the business and more understanding and supportive of the tactical decisions or steps taken by the management team to deliver the Strategy.
Many industrial relations disputes result from a lack of openness by the management team and lack of understanding of the motives of the managers. Communication of the Strategy and tactical plans to deliver the Strategy are critical. It is important to simplify the Strategy so that it can be clearly communicated and understood at all levels, from the boardroom to the most junior staff.
In reality Strategy is most often reviewed when a business is undergoing a change in the circumstances around it, such as a merger or acquisition or investing in new plant or machinery.
If your company is starting out, developing your business strategy will be part of the business planning exercise, and there will be uncertainty about the future prospects of the business.
Be realistic about sales targets and forecasts, and build in contingencies where cash-flow is concerned.
Success in business has much to do with having a vision, strong focus, and having some idea of the direction you need to take to realize the goals and vision.
Many companies compose short concise mission statements that claim to be their “vision, mission and values”. Sometimes these are so clichéd that they are ineffective, and so ambiguous that it is impossible to measure if the business is achieving their goals.
Having a strong vision is one thing, but to achieve growth and success, you need a team who share your passion and your dream. Successful leaders are the ones who can communicate their vision and mission to their followers, colleagues who will then support them to achieve the goals.
Turning a dream into reality needs a strategy, and a plan to drive the business forward. It will incorporate the approach you are going to take for every aspect of your business and define which products and services you are going to offer and how you are going to deliver them.
Most businesses will need a Business Strategy, and, if your company is large enough, this will flow into individual strategies for each of the business functions. The most common of these is a Marketing Strategy.
This will consider corporate identity and branding, products and markets, customer profile, pricing policy, online presence and marketing strategy, social media strategy, marketing campaigns
The business strategy needs to address the key issues of the business;-
Are we positioned to benefit from new technologies?
When a company is established there is usually a clear vision of its objectives, but as time goes by this evolves. The company may still have the same ambitions, but the vision may have changed as it evolves and grows and technology changes around the business. The plan should consider both the present and the future – what would success look like this time next year?
This is probably the most important role of the executive today. To stand still, even for an instant, is to be left behind as all around you move forward at speed to exploit new and developing technologies.
Corporate Social Responsibility
A business needs to be profitable to invest in growth and innovation, but companies should have a corporate social responsibility theme in their strategy. What does the business really care about? What principles are important to its owners and management?
What can we contribute to the world?
Presumably customers want our products or services. Market research needs to be undertaken regularly to check what consumers really value, how much are they prepared to pay for it, and what they would prefer to experience. Can the company do it better, greener, cleaner, more ethically?
Are we compromising?
Does the company’s vision clash with achieving other goals, such as achieving profit, or ensuring employment .Perhaps short term sacrifices need to be made to achieve the long-term vision.
Are we all in this together?
Is everyone on your team on board with the same belief in the vision? Are they committed, do they understand what they have to contribute? It’s important to listen to everyone to ensure the business stays on track