Monday 29 February 2016


Napoleon Hill, author and one of the earliest recognized personal success experts, had a basic message for his students: Anyone can become rich, and you ought to stop thinking of wealth as tied purely to money or reputation.

That became the driving thesis behind his best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, which has sold more than 70 million copies worldwide since its publication in 1937. Hill, who also served as an adviser to former U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, famously wrote: "Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can be achieved."

A new book, Your Right to Be Rich, due in September from Penguin Random House, synthesizes Hill's most influential lectures in print, outlining them according to his 17 guiding "success principles."

Ahead of the book's release, check out some of Hill's best quotes of all time:

1. On having definiteness of purpose

"If you want the mind to pick up an idea and to form a habit so that the mind will automatically act upon that idea, you've got to tell the mind what you want, over and over and over again."

2. On developing mastery

"Whatever it is that you lack in education, or knowledge, or influence, you can always obtain it through somebody who has it. Exchange of favors and exchange of knowledge is one of the greatest exchanges in the world."

3. On applying faith

"The subconscious mind only knows what you tell it, or what you allow other people to tell it, or what you allow the circumstance of life to tell it ... it accepts the things that you send over, and if you send over predominating thoughts on poverty and ill health and failure, that's exactly what you'll get."

4. On going the extra mile

"I don't know of any one quality or trait that can get a person an opportunity quicker than to go out of his way or her way to do somebody a favor, or do something useful."

5. On having a pleasing personality

"Don't take it too seriously, no matter what it is. During the Depression, I had four of my friends commit suicide. Two of them jumped off tall buildings, one shot himself, and another one took poison. They did it because they lost all their money. I lost twice as much as they did, but I didn't jump off any building, I didn't shoot myself, I didn't poison myself ... My mental attitude toward it was to start immediately looking for that seed of improvement."

6. On having initiative

"You don't have to be very brilliant. You don't have to have such a wonderful education. You can be an outstanding success if you will only take what little you have, whether it's little or much, and start using it, putting it into operation, doing something about it, and doing something with it. And, of course, that calls for initiative."

7. On having a positive attitude

"Hoping is better than wishing. Because the difference between a hope and a wish is that hope is a beginning to take on faith."

8. On being self-disciplined

"Be careful what you set your heart upon because, if you set your heart on anything and stand by that decision, you're going to get it."

9. On being enthusiastic

"If you want to do something, work yourself into a state of wild enthusiasm and go to work where you stand, even if it's nothing more than drawing a picture in your mind of the thing you want to do, and keep drawing that picture, making it more vivid all the time."

10. On creating controlled attention

"Concentration requires a definiteness of purpose in such proportion that it becomes an obsession. There's no use of having a motive unless you put obsession of desire or obsession of purpose in back of it."

11. On thinking accurately

"The truth of the matter is that your emotions are not reliable at all. The emotion of love, for instance, is the greatest and the grandest of all the emotions, and yet it can also be the most dangerous. More trouble in human relationships grows out of misunderstanding the emotion of love than all other sources of difficulty combined."

12. On learning from adversity


15 Relationship Truths for Tough Times (pt 2)

We've talked about relationships alot in the past but that's because they are an unavoidable part of our lives. Whether it is familial, romatic, or friendship relationships, our connection to people can affect us in different ways.

So here are a few relationship truths we should be aware when it comes to dealing with people around us.

8. Excessive jealousy doesn’t tell someone how much you love them. – It tells them how much you dislike yourself. And no amount of love, or promises, or proof from them will ever be enough to make you feel better. For those broken pieces you carry, are pieces you must mend for yourself. Happiness is an inside job.

9. When people get nasty with you, it’s usually best to walk away. – When someone treats you like dirt, don’t pay attention and don’t take it personally. They’re saying nothing about you and a lot about themselves. And no matter what they do or say, never drop down to their level and sling dirt back. Just know you’re better than that and walk away.

10. People will treat you the way you let them treat you. – You can’t control them, but you can control what you tolerate. Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negative people. Doing so does not mean you hate them, it simply means you respect yourself.

11. One of the most difficult tasks in life is removing someone from your heart. – But remember, no relationship is a waste of time. The wrong ones teach you the lessons that prepare you for the right ones.

12. Resentment hurts you, not them. – Whisper a small prayer of gratitude for the people who have stuck by your side, and send a prayer of good will for those who didn’t. For should these people hear your prayers, those who have been there will know how much you appreciate them, and those who left will know that you appreciate your own happiness enough to not let resentment destroy your capacity to live with a compassionate heart.

13. Silence and a half smile can hide a lot of pain from the world. – Pay close attention to those you care about. Sometimes when a friend says, “I’m okay,” they need you to look them in the eyes, hug them tight, and reply, “I know you’re not.”

14. True love comes when manipulation stops. – True love comes when you care more about who the other person really is than about who you think they should become, when you dare to reveal yourself honestly, and when you dare to be open and vulnerable. It takes two to create a sincere environment where this is possible. If you haven’t found true love yet, don’t settle. There is someone out there who will share true love with you, even if it’s not the person you were initially hoping for. Read The 5 Love Languages.

15. Even the best relationships don’t last forever. – Nobody gets through life without losing someone they love, someone they need, or something they thought was meant to be. People don’t live forever. Appreciate what you have, who loves you and who cares for you. You’ll never know how much they mean to you until the day they are no longer beside you. And remember, just because something doesn’t last forever, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth your while.
----Marc and Angel