Wednesday 14 October 2015


Ways To Sleep Soundly For A Better Heal

Nowadays, getting a good night sleep is hard because of the fast-paced yet sedentary lifestyle, which affects quality of sleep. A recent study shows that not getting enough sleep raises the risk for cardiovascular diseases as well as psychological distress.

Do the following tips before you hit the bed at night, will lead you to quality and sound zzz’s.

1. Schedule your sleep time and stick with it

Observing a sleep schedule every night can contribute to quality sleep. A regular sleep routine maintains your biological clock steady so rest better. Researchers discover that maintaining a daily sleep routine helps reduce insomnia.

2. Get moving during the day

Engaging in a cardio workout can improve length and quality of sleep. In a research, it was revealed that people who are physically active fall asleep faster. Get busy during the day so you sleep soundly at night.

3. Skip caffeine after 2 pm

Drinking caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea or cola can stimulate your body system so prevent caffeine consumption so you can sleep better at night. Consuming caffeine after dinner will hinder your brain from entering deep slumber or cease you from falling asleep altogether.

4. Stop smoking

Nicotine, which is found in cigarette, is a stimulant; thus, it prevents you from falling asleep. Studies show that smokers are four times more likely not to feel as well-rested after a night’s sleep than non-smokers. This also exacerbates sleep apnea and other breathing disorder, causing you to lack of sleep.

5. Sip milk not alcohol

After a few hours of drinking alcoholic beverages, the alcohol levels in your blood will drop. This signals the body to wake up. Instead of alcoholic drinks, consume milk before going to bed.

6. Listen to relaxing music

A research shows that older adults slept longer and better after listening to soft music. Another similar study reveals that music contributes to sleep quality by way of muscle relaxation and distraction from thoughts. According to sleep experts, listening to relaxing, classical music can be an effective intervention in reducing sleep-related problems.

7. Maintain proper room ventilation

Consider turning on a fan or airconditioning unit to cool and promote better air circulation. Experts recommend setting your bedroom thermostat between 18° and 24°C. Go low gradually. The body loses some ability to regulate temperature during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep so excessive cooling will backfire.

8. Turn off light sources

Light signals the brain to be awake. The same goes with the blue light emitted by your laptop, iPad, smartphone or any other electronic devices at hand. The light emitted by these sources suppress the action of melatonin, a sleep hormone. Thus, the darker the room is, the more soundly you will sleep.

9. Spray a sleep-inducing fragrance

The scent from lavander, chamomile activate the alpha wave activity in the back of the brain that leads to relaxation and helps you to sleep better. Mix a few drops of essential oil and water in a spray bottle and spritz it over your pillowcase.

10. Body temperature triggers sleep

It is a good idea to take a warm bath or drinking a warm drink before hitting the bed for it raises your body temperature which can trigger sleep. Doing such activities aid in setting your body temp for a good night sleep.

11. Take time to wind down

Doing the following activities before your bedtime can switch your body gradually from active to bedtime drowsiness.

First 20 minutes: Preparing for the next day (re-arrange your bag, plan your wardrobe)

Next 20 minutes: Do your personal night routine (bru

Last 20 minutes: Dedicate this time in the bed by reading or practicing deep breathing exercise to get you to sleep. Deep breathing can help in reducing your heart rate and blood pressure. It releases endorphins and relaxes your body, preparing you for sleep.

12. Make your bed a sleeping haven

Making your bed a sleeping haven will be easier for you to switch to sleep mode. Stop the habit of working on or near the bed or filling it with things unnecessary. Just spruce up your bed with comfortable pillows, soft blanket and bedsheet and then go hit the slumberland

Sunday 11 October 2015


How to Gain Wisdom
Wisdom is a virtue that isn’t innate, but can only be acquired through experience. Anyone who is interested in trying new things and reflecting on the process has the ability to gain wisdom. By learning as much as you can, analyzing your experiences and putting your knowledge to the test, you can become a wiser person.
Try new things.
It's hard to gain wisdom when you stay in and do the same thing day after day. You get wiser when you put yourself out there and give yourself the opportunity to learn, make mistakes and reflect on the experience. If you tend to be on the inhibited side, work on cultivating an inquisitive spirit and the willingness to put yourself in new situations.[1] Every time you experience something new, you open yourself up to the possibility of learning and getting a little wiser for having tried it.
Going to places you've never been before is a great way to get some life experience. Such as booking a trip to another city, or taking a road trip to the next town over. Make an effort to eat at a restaurant that's popular with the locals, rather than going to your favorite chain. Every chance you get, choose newness over the familiar.
Trying new social activities is another good way to open up your world. If you tend to spend your time watching sports, get tickets to see a play. If you're a total bookworm, you could sign up for a hiking club or join a bowling team.

Step out of your comfort zone.
If you’re afraid to do something, perhaps that’s the very thing you should try to do. When you have to deal with an awkward or scary situation, you come out on the other side better equipped to handle fear the next time you face it. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face . . . we must do that which we think we cannot.”
For example, if you’re afraid of public speaking, volunteer to give a presentation.
If you dislike talking about your feelings, make an effort to have a conversation with a loved one telling the person how much you care. Ask the person how he or she feels, too.

Make an effort to talk to people you don’t know very well.
Talk to people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives from yours, and pay attention to what you can learn from them. Try not to judge them based on your own narrow point of view. The more you're able to empathize with others, the wiser you will be.[2]
Practice being a good listener, and ask a lot of questions to find out more. Really pay attention to what people are saying instead of letting your mind wander. Every conversation gives you the chance to understand someone better, broaden your views and thus become wiser.
Share yourself with the people you're talking to, too. Work on going deeper than casual conversation and fostering new friendships.

Be open-minded.
Instead of judging things you don’t know much about, consider them from every angle and make an effort to understand.[3] It's easy to base our views on the limited experiences we've had in life, but that's not the way to gain wisdom. You can't help that you've grown up in a certain place with certain people, but you can decide how open you are to learning about different ways of life.
Don’t base your opinions of things on what other people think, or whether something is popular. Do your own research and look at both sides of the story before you decide what you think about something.
For example, maybe you think a certain type of music isn’t cool because none of your friends like it. Before you jump on the bandwagon, try seeing a band play the music live, and read up on its history. When you've taken time to understand something, you can decide you don't like it, but not before then.

Part Two of Three:
Learning from Wise People

Enrich yourself with education. If you’re interested in learning something new, on erested in learning something new, one of the best ways to do it is by taking a class. The classes you take can be affiliated with a university, but they don’t have to be. Do some research to find out if community members where you live teach classes or workshops on their areas of expertise.
Self-directed learning is just as valuable as taking classes. If you don't have access to a class on a subject you'd like to know more about, find alternate ways to learn. Check out books from the library, interview people, and learn by doing.
For example, if you want to learn a new language, you could take a class or do so completely on your own. Find a group of people who speak the language, read books written in the language, and travel to the country where the language is spoken.

Find wise mentors. Who in your life strikes you as wise? Wisdom comes in many forms. It could be a pastor who gives people something important to reflect on each week. It could be a teacher who has the ability to inspire people with his or her knowledge. Maybe it’s a family member who reacts to every difficult situation with a level head.[4]
Identify why you feel the person is wise. Is it because the person is extremely well read? Does she give excellent advice when people are in need? Does he seem like he's figured out the meaning of life?
What can you learn from him or her? What life choices and behaviors can serve as an example to you? In a given situation, try asking yourself yourself what he or she would do.

Read as much as you can. Reading is a way to absorb other people’s perspectives, no matter what subject they’re writing about. It gives you an insight into the way other people think that’s impossible to get in any other way. Reading up on both sides of important matters gives you the information you need to form valid opinions and make reasoned decisions.

Realize that everyone is fallible. As you gain your own wisdom and experience, you’ll find that those you looked up to as mentors have their own failings. Don’t hold people to such high standards that their mistakes shock and repel you. Strive to see people’s humanity, which means not holding them up on pedestals but taking the bad along with the good.
Every child reaches a moment when he realizes his parents aren’t perfect, that they’re struggling to find the right path just like everyone else. Reaching the point where you see your parents as equals, people who mistakes just like everyone else, is a sign of maturity and wisdom.
Practice forgiveness when someone you revered makes a mistake. Try to empathize with people instead of kicking them when they're down.

Part Three of Three:
Putting Wisdom Into Practice

Be humble in new situations. As Socrates said, "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." It's difficult to fully grasp this concept until you're faced with a life situation that completely stumps you. No matter how smart you are, and how many experiences you've had, you'll encounter times when the line between right and wrong seems fuzzy and you aren't sure what choice to make.[5]
Don't go into a new situation presuming that you know just what to do. Examine the problem from all angles, meditate or pray, and then act according to your conscience. It's all you can do.
Accepting your limitations is a high form of wisdom. Know what you have to work with and use your talents to the fullest, but don’t pretend you have more than you do.

Think before acting. Take as much time as you need to deliberate on a problem before making a decision. Think about the pros and cons, taking your experience as well as others’ advice into account, so you make the wisest possible choice.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Turn to someone you think of as wise and ask for advice. However, even advice offered by someone you wholly trust should be taken with a grain of salt. Ultimately, you are the only person who can decide what's right for you to do.

Act on your values. Looking to people, religious tenets and books for advice and wisdom will only get you so far. Don't just accept a set of values because that's what you were taught. Ultimately, your values should be aligned with your conscience, that gut feeling that tells you what to do based on what you know to be true. When you have a big decision to make, call up your values and stick to them.
For example, let's say there's a person at work who's getting bullied, and you know sticking up for him will make your boss angry. What's the right thing to do? Think carefully and decide what's most important to you: keeping your job or helping someone who's hurting.
Stand up for your values in the face of criticism. This is no easy task, since throughout life people will tell you what they want you to do. Separate your values from those of other people and do what you know is right, no matter what.

Learn from your mistakes. Even a carefully considered decision can end up being the wrong one. Each time you have a new experience, reflect on it and think about what went well and what didn't. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, see what new findings you can apply the next time you face a similar situation.[6]
Don’t kick yourself for making a mistake. You’re human, and all you can do is learn from the growing pains you experience.
Realize there’s no such thing as perfection. The goal isn’t to be perfect or godlike, but to do your best to act on your conscience and be a good person throughout life.

Share your wisdom with others. That’s not to say you should tell people what to do; rather, lead by example. Show others the wisdom of being open, nonjudgmental and thoughtful in all situations. Think about the mentors who helped you along the way, and find ways to play that role for other people who might be able to benefit from what you've learned.
If someone asks for advice, do your best to point them in the direction that seems right. Don’t let your personal desires cloud your advice.

Tuesday 6 October 2015


Put an End to the Spreading of Prostate Cancer with This Herb

According to the experts, prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men. The good news is it can be treated successfully most especially when detected during its early stages. In fact, about 2 million men in the United States are considered as prostate cancer survivors.

Most men diagnosed with prostate cancer on its early stage may not require immediate treatment. However, active surveillance of the disease will be recommended by a specialist to detect the cancer’s progression. Radiation therapy, hormone therapy and surgical removal of the prostate gland are some of the recommended treatments. However, there is a particular herb that is known to be very good at stopping the spread of prostate cancer.

Before we tackle this prostate cancer-fighting herb which, by the way, can be easily obtained at your local supermarket or is very likely to be already in your kitchen, let us discuss a few more important matters about this disease.

Prostate cancer is a condition that affects the prostate gland — a tiny walnut-shaped gland surrounding the neck of the urinary bladder and whose function is to secrete seminal fluid for the sperm cells’ transport and nourishment. More often than not, the disease develops very slowly and the malignant cells remain in the prostate gland, causing no harm to the adjacent tissues or organs. However, there are also instances wherein prostate cancer can be so aggressive that it develops and spreads quickly.

The problem with prostate cancer is it may not be detected early because, in its initial stages, it produces no sign or symptom. Something that is more advanced, on the other hand, may cause signs and symptoms such as: presence of blood in the semen, trouble in urinating and decreased force in the urine’s stream, erectile dysfunction, bone pain and discomfort in the pelvic area.

Experts say that you are at higher risk of developing prostate cancer the older you get. Naturally, having a family history of prostate or breast cancer is a risk factor too. It is not clear why black men are more susceptible to developing prostate cancer that progresses quite easily. Being obese also puts you at high risk of prostate cancer as well as other cancers.

Now let us focus on the herb that is known to be highly effective at stopping the progression of prostate cancer. It’s the same home remedy for so many problems such as indigestion, nausea, morning sickness, migraine, PMS, colds, cough, flu, joint pain and even diabetes. If you guessed ginger, you’re absolutely right!

University of Michigan’s American Association for Cancer Research once conducted a study on cancer and ginger. Based on its findings, the consumption of ginger powder was able to wipe out cancer cells completely. Researchers found out that cancer cells, after being acted upon by ginger’s components, started destroying themselves.

There have been so many other studies done on ginger and its efficacy in killing off cancer cells. For instance, the British Journal of Nutrition once published that the participants of a particular investigation were able to reduce the number of their prostate cancer cells by as much as 56% with daily ginger consumption. Unlike chemotherapy drugs which destroy both healthy and malignant cells, ginger was able to zoom in on cancer cells.

Certain studies have shown that the consumption of ginger is also highly effective against ovarian cancer. Also, some proponents suggest that the intake of ginger oil is very good at dealing with cancer cells in the lungs.

For centuries now, ginger has been used by traditional healers for treating a lot of maladies, and it includes cancer. It is a good idea for someone with prostate cancer to opt for the recommended mode of treatment by his or her chosen specialist, as well as a home remedy such as the use of ginger in order to combat the condition effectively.

Thursday 1 October 2015


MAC.13 :3-9
Our heavenly constitution(BIBLE) reveal how  Simon revive the moral of the Isrealite at their point of  despondent and authomaticaly became their leader .GO WITH ME:
vers .3 ."and(SIMON) tried to encourage them by saying,

You know how much my father's family, my brothers, and I have done for the sake of the Law of Moses and the Temple. You also know about the wars we have fought and the troubles we have had. 4 All my brothers have been killed fighting for our Law, our Temple, and our nation, and I am the only one left. 5 But never let it be said that I tried to save my own life in a time of danger; I do not consider myself better than my brothers. 6 Not in the least! It is true that in their hatred all the Gentile nations have gathered together to destroy us, but I will fight to defend my nation, the Temple, and your loved ones.

7 These words immediately revived the morale of the people, 8 and they answered with a loud shout,

You are now our leader in place of your brothers Judas and Jonathan. 9 Fight our wars, and we will do whatever you ask".
           Can you encourage someone today and get heavenly and humanitarian reward ,just a word or a token can do that . see you soaring!