Thursday 28 September 2017


  An Angel is a spiritual being that serves especially as a messenger from God or as a guardian of human beings. 
God some time send them for a specific massage.I profesis into your life as you are reading this, that God will send your own Angelic messenger who is coming to deliver the message of your Divine upliftment in Jesus mighty name we pray Amen.


Every divine mandate and declarations made into our lives must be enforced by the Angels today in the name of Jesus. Hebrews 1:14 emphasises thus, "Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?" Angels have often been involved in giving help to mortal men, such as feeding Elijah in the wilderness (1 Kings 19:5-6), protecting Daniel from the lions (Dan. 6:22), delivering Hezekiah from the Assyrians (Isa. 37:36), and freeing Peter from prison (Acts 12:7-10). Angels are heavenly ministers sent to serve those of us who will inherit salvation.  Angels were constant attendants during the earthly ministry of our Lord -- they came to Him in times of distress, peril and want. An angel announced His birth (Luke 2:9-13), and ministered to Him after His temptations in the wilderness (Matt. 4:11). When He knelt in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, angels came and strengthened Him (Luke 22:43). At His death, they stood guard over His tomb (Luke 24:4), and after His Resurrection they made the glad announcement that, "He is not here, but is risen!" (Luke 24:6). These same Angels are out  today to bring to pass all God's promises to you as you join others to patronize PDSCONNECTS-WWW.PDSSTORES.COM Our Reliable  Online maketing place.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

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Tuesday 26 September 2017

Secret of Success


21. No one can insult or hurt you without your permission. One of the golden keys to happiness and great success is the way you interpret events which unfold before you. Highly successful people are master interpreters. People who have attained greatness have an ability which they have developed to interpret negative or disempowering events as positive challenges which will assist them in growing and moving even farther up the ladder of success. There are no negative experiences only experiences which aid in your development and toughen your character so that you may soar to new heights. There are no failures, only lessons. 

22. Take a speed reading course. Reading is a powerful way to gain many years of experience from a few hours of study. For example, most biographies reflect the strategies and philosophies of great leaders or courageous individuals. Read them and model them. Speed reading will allow you to digest large quantities of material in relatively small periods of time. 

23. Remember people's names and treat everyone well. This habit, along with enthusiasm, is one of the great success secrets. Everyone in this world wears an imaginary button that screams out "I WANT TO FEEL IMPORTANT AND APPRECIATED!". 

24. Be soft as a flower when it comes to kindness but tough as thunder when it comes to principle. Be courteous and polite at all times but never be pushed around. Ensure that you are always treated with respect. 
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25. Never discuss your health, wealth and other personal matters with anyone outside of your immediate family. Be very disciplined in this regard. It is trasures every great companies keep secret but is giving it freely just click here @PDSCONNECTS to like our Facebook page.

26. Be truthful, patient, persevering, modest and generous. That is the greatest secret of PDS Stores

27. Soak in a warm bath at the end of a long, productive day. Reward yourself for even the smallest of achievement. Take time out for renewal of your mind, body and spirit. Soon all your more important goals will be met and you will move to the next level of peak performance.
Reward, reward, reward PDS Stores values every glimpse of achievement that is why so many customers who  ordered for Electronics on has been receiving free pressing iron . cliq  on DISCAUSION here the to know the duration of this offer.

28. Learn the power of breathing and its relationship with your energy source. The mind is intimately connected with your breathing. For example, when the mind is agitated, your breathing becomes quick and shallow. When you are relaxed and focused, your breathing is deep and calm. By practising deep, abdominal breathing, you will develop a calm, serene demeanor that will remain cool in the hottest of circumstances. Remember the rule of the Eastern mountain men: "to breathe properly is to live properly." 

29. Recognize and cultivate the power of autosuggestion. It works and is an essential tool in maintaining peak performance. We are all performers in one way or another and it is particularly valuable to use such techniques of athletes and public figures for our own enhancement. If you want to become more enthusiastic, repeat "I am more enthusiastic today and am improving this trait daily". Repeat it over and over. Purchase a legal notepad and write out this mantra 500 times. Do it for three weeks with regular practice and feel that this quality is developing. Very soon it will come. This is a strategy that Indian sages have employed for thousands of years to aid their spiritual and mental development. Do not be discouraged if the results are not immediate, they will certainly develop. The spoken word is a powerful influencer of the mind. 

30. Maintain a diary to measure your progress and to express your thoughts. Writing out not only your successes but your troubles is one of the world's most effective methods of erasing the worry habit, staying in optimum state and developing precision of thought. 
Diary, diary, diary you need to keep diary that is why has packaged her own here cliq to note

Monday 25 September 2017



Most Men do hurt their Wives in the name of correcting them. They speak harshly, they are so rash in their approach and can be very brutal.
Lots of women are living their lives in bitterness and anger due to the careless ways their husbands have been talking to them over time.
Here you will be able to know the right ways to talk to your wife without hurting her:
*1) LOWER YOUR VOICE:* Don’t shout at her, she is not your housemaid, she is not a Child. You can correct, yes, but why shouting?
*2) DO IT IN LOVE:* Correction should be done in love if done in any other way it turns to criticism and condemnation.
*3) DON’T CRITICIZE:* Stop criticizing her, rather correct in love. Most will say it’s constructive criticism, true? It means disapproval by pointing out errors and mistakes.
Correction is the act of offering better options to mistakes.
Correction and criticism are never the same.
Husband A says: what manner of food is this? is this popcorn or fried Rice? how I wish I marry a more sensible wife, with better home training, who can cook better.
Husband B says: Sweetheart this rice is too salty and dry unlike the one you did yesterday. I think salt should be reduce any other time because of our health.
Husband A criticized, Husband B, corrected his wife in love. Stop criticizing your wife.
*4) PRAISE HER FOR WHAT IS RIGHT* : It will be wrong to correct when it’s not well done when you don’t praise when it’s well done. Form the habit of praising and appreciating your wife for good deeds.
Avoid correcting your wife in the presence of your Children.
Incessant correction of your wife before your Children will make them disrespect her.
*6) DON’T CORRECT HER IN THE PUBLIC* : Avoid correcting your wife in the public, it does not show you as a gentleman, and will affect her self-esteem.
*7) AVOID CORRECTION IN ANGER:* Stop correcting your wife in anger, shouting, ranting, beating and making trouble. Real men don’t do that.
*8) DON’T COMPARE HER WITH ANY OTHER WOMAN* : In your thought of correcting her, you might have been comparing her with other women. “Don’t you see what your friend is doing?”
“Can’t you learn from our neighbors wife?”
“and so”
This is very wrong, no woman love to be compared with others, stop it.
Avoid referring to issues discussed and settled, stick to the present issue, discuss like adults and move on.
*10) DON’T ATTACK HER WOMANHOOD:* And you call yourself a woman? Virtuous women don’t behave like this, you better change before I change you.
This is very wrong, don’t do it.
*11) DON’T ATTACK HER DIGNITY* : You don’t behave like someone with sense, do you think at all? And you said you went to school, I doubt it. This is very wrong, you too, you are not talking like somebody that pass through a college.
*12) DO IT IN TIME OF PEACE:* Most husbands do want to correct in the heat of anger, at the height of misunderstanding, when temper has already hit the roof. That is not the best time to correct, it will yield little or no result.
*13) GIVE A HELPING HAND*: The best way to correct is to lead by example, step into the kitchen to give a helping hand, don’t just sit in the front of the Television correcting what goes on in the kitchen.
Wives are doing a great job, appreciate yours and support her to be a better wife and mother.

Saturday 23 September 2017



Envy is the feeling of wanting to have what someone else has.
Modeling: usually small copy of something: a particular type or version of a product (such as a car or computer): a set of ideas and numbers that describe the past, present, or future state of something (such as an economy or a business)
Without modernling in the economy there wouldn't be a  competitive and healthy business or economy.

Envy pushes you to kill the inventor and occupy his position or still the money.
While modeling pushes you to do same thing he did to get where he is with a mindset of little difference.

See what Jesus said about envy:-

Matthew 20:1-16

This Sunday Jesus teaches us how envy and lack of contentment make us unnecessarily frustrated. We are all labourers in God's Kingdom and we are called to do work for His kingdom. Some get the calling early in life and some get the calling at their end stage in life. It does not matter, as long as we heed the call He will reward us as He wishes.

Dearly beloved, note that the landowner, whose decision to pay other workers the same wage was an act of mercy. This represents God, whose grace and mercy are shared abundantly upon those of He has chosen. “For he says to Moses, 'I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.' It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy” (Romans 9:15-16). In the parable the workers who were hired at five, were at disadvantage position to work for a full day job that be able to give them a wage that can take care of them and those who may depend on them. In Catholic social teachings, there is what is called 'OPTION FOR THE POOR'. In the parable also Jesus teaches us that God is just and generous with a preferential option for the poor.  “This preferential option for the poor and vulnerable includes all who are marginalized in society, victims of injustice and oppression.” All members of the society and the society as a whole have a special obligation to poor and vulnerable persons, those in disadvantaged positions.

Why is it difficult to rejoice in the good fortune of others? Why do we get jealous when someone gets more than us? Brethren we must avoid envy, for it has destroyed many families, churches, offices and relationships. Child of God, God's timetable for each of us are not the same. Unhealthy comparison breeds jealousy and envy.which blinds us from appreciating the love of God, always complaining and never grateful.  Remember that envy is one of the seven capital sin avoid it.

Remember modeling pushes you to be like Christ, Paul etc
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Secret to success

     TEN PRINCIPLES THAT PROMOTE SUCCESS is here to show you  how to stir and rekindle you-that is you up and to remind you the important of living a principle and purpose FULL life.
Remember too is offering free pressing iron for every order you placed here . offers ends September 30th.

Practice these  10 rules that made @pdsconnects what it is today.

1. Sleep less. This is one of the best investments you can make to make your life more productive and rewarding. Most people do not need more than 6 hours to maintain an excellent state of health. Try getting up one hour earlier for 21 days and it will develop into a powerful habit. Remember, it is the quality not the quantity of sleep that is important. And just imagine having an extra 30 hours a month to spend on the things that are important to you. 

2. Set aside one hour every morning for personal development matters. Meditate, visualize your day, read inspirational texts to set the tone of your day, listen to motivational tapes or read great literature. Take this quiet period to vitalize and energize your spirit for the productive day ahead. Watch the sun rise once a week or be with nature. Starting the day off well is a powerful strategy for self-renewal and personal effectiveness. 

3. Do not allow those things that matter the most in your life be at the mercy of activities that matter the least. Every day, take the time to ask yourself the question "is this the best use of my time and energy?" Time management is life management so guard your time with great care. 

4. Use the rubber band method to condition your mind to focus solely on the most positive elements in your life. Place a rubber band around your wrist. Each time a negative, energy sapping thought enters your mind, snap the rubber band. Through the power of conditioning, your mind will associate pain with negative thinking and you will soon possess a strongly positive mindset. 

5. Always answer the phone with enthusiasm in your voice and show your appreciation for the caller. Good phone manners are essential. To convey authority on the line, stand up. This will instill further confidence in your voice. 
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6. Throughout the day we all get inspiration and excellent ideas. Keep a set of cards (the size of business cards; available at most stationary stores) in your wallet along with a pencil to jot down these insights. When you get home, put the ideas in a central place such as a coil notepad and review them from time to time. As noted by Oliver Wendell Holmes: "Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." 

7. Set aside every Sunday evening for yourself and be strongly disciplined with this habit. Use this period to plan your week, visualize your encounters and what you want to achieve, to read new materials and inspirational books, to listen to soft soothing music and to simply relax. This habit will serve as your anchor to keep you focused, motivated and effective throughout the coming week. 

8. Always remember the key principle that the quality of your life is the quality of your communication. This means the way you communicate with others and, more importantly, the way you communicate with yourself. What you focus on is what you get. If you look for the positive this is what you get. This is a fundamental law of Nature. 

9. Stay on purpose, not on outcome. In other words, do the task because it is what you love to do or because it will help someone or is a valuable exercise. Don't do it for the money or the recognition. Those will come naturally. This is the way of the world. 

10. Laugh for five minutes in the mirror each morning. Steve Martin does. Laughter activates many beneficial chemicals within the body that place us into a very joyous state. Laughter also returns the body to a state of balance. Laughter therapy has been regularly used to heal persons with varied ailments and is a wonderful tonic for life's ills. While the average 4 year old laughs 500 times a day, the average adult is lucky to laugh 15 times a day. Revitalize the habit of laughter, it will put far more living into your life. 
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Monday 18 September 2017



Matthew 5:13-16

A wise minister observed that good Christians make good neighbours. The more we receive and recognize God's abundance, the more it transforms our lives. The more God's love fills our lives, the more it overflows into the lives of others.

Think of Christian mentors in your life whose conduct spoke of God's grace to you in ways that they may not have realized.

Never be counted among the troublesome ones in your neighbourhood. Such ones have characters that can be likened to a dog whose barking disturbs everyone around. There are believers who are very active in the church and fellowship, they look very pious whenever they are in church, but in actual fact, they are thorns on the flesh of their families , neighbours AND environ.Actions often speak louder than words. A worker who does a good job is a blessing to his co-workers, customers, and employer.

Confirme how it works here

Bringing a meal to a struggling neighbourshows practical love. Praying for people in authority and speaking the truth to politicians puts our faith into action. People and nations who seek justice, love and mercy are lights in a dark world.

Whenever a good deed is mentioned in a biblical discussion, one name readily comes to mind. “Now in Joppa there was a disciple whose name was Tabitha, which in Greek is Dorcas. She was devoted to good works and acts of charity.” (Acts 9:36) Dorcas was known for her good works and acts of love for the poor, she was much loved in the community of Joppa. Dorcas is a fine example of how we are to meet the needs of those around us.

When ever online business ethics is being mentioned the only name that comes to my mind is cliq  here to witness

Christians are to “continue to remember the poor” (Galatians 2:10). Hear this: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep one's self unstained from the world.” (James 1:27) This was the type of religion Dorcas and St. (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta practised, a religion of acts of charity and of good deeds. No wonder St. Teresa of Calcutta says, “We don’t need to look for happiness; if we have love for others, we'll be given it. It is the gift of God.”
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When you first started your business, you probably did a lot of research. You may have sought help from advisors; you may have gotten information from books, magazines and other readily available sources. You invested a lot-in terms of money, time and sweat equity-to get your business off the ground. what?

For those of you who have survived startup and built successful businesses, you may be wondering how to take the next step and grow your business beyond its current status. There are numerous possibilities, 10 of which we'll outline here. Choosing the proper one (or ones) for your business will depend on the type of business you own, your available resources, and how much money, time and sweat equity you're willing to invest all over again. If you're ready to grow, we're ready to help.

1. Open another location. This might not be your best choice for business expansion, but it's listed first here because that's what often comes to mind first for so many entrepreneurs considering expansion. "Physical expansion isn't always the best growth answer without careful research, planning and number-planning," says small-business speaker, writer and consultant Frances McGuckin , who offers the following tips for anyone considering another location:

Make sure you're maintaining a consistent bottom-line profit and that you've shown steady growth over the past few years.Look at the trends, both economic and consumer, for indications on your company's staying power.Make sure your administrative systems and management team are extraordinary-you'll need them to get a new location up and running.Prepare a complete business plan for a new location.Determine where and how you'll obtain financing. (See " Got Cash? " for financing tips.)Choose your location based on what's best for your business, not your wallet.

2. Offer your business as a franchise or business opportunity. Bette Fetter, founder and owner of Young Rembrandts , an Elgin, Illinois-based drawing program for children, waited 10 years to begin franchising her concept in 2001-but for Fetter and her husband, Bill, the timing was perfect. Raising four young children and keeping the business local was enough for the couple until their children grew older and they decided it was time to expand nationally.

"We chose franchising as the vehicle for expansion because we wanted an operating system that would allow ownership on the part of the staff operating Young Rembrandts locations in markets outside our home territory," says Bette. "When people have a vested interest in their work, they enjoy it more, bring more to the table and are more successful overall. Franchising is a perfect system to accomplish those goals."
Streamlining their internal systems and marketing in nearby states helped the couple bring in their first few franchisees. With seven units and some time under their belt, they then signed on with two national franchise broker firms. Now with 30 franchisees nationwide, they're staying true to their vision of steady growth. "Before we began franchising, we were teaching 2,500 children in the Chicago market," says Bette. "Today we teach more than 9,000 children nationwide, and that number will continue to grow dramatically as we grow our franchise system."

Bette advises networking within the franchise community-become a member of the International Franchise Association and find a good franchise attorney as well as a mentor who's been through the franchise process. "You need to be open to growing and expanding your vision," Bette says, "but at the same time, be a strong leader who knows how to keep the key vision in focus at all times."

3. License your product. This can be an effective, low-cost growth medium, particularly if you have a service product or branded product, notes Larry Bennett, director of the Larry Friedman International Center for Entrepreneurship at Johnson & Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island. "You can receive upfront monies and royalties from the continued sales or use of your software, name brand, etc.-if it's successful," he says. Licensing also minimizes your risk and is low cost in comparison to the price of starting your own company to produce and sell your brand or product.

To find a licensing partner, start by researching companies that provide products or services similar to yours. "[But] before you set up a meeting or contact any company, find a competent attorney who specializes in intellectual property rights," advises Bennett. "This is the best way to minimize the risk of losing control of your service or product."

4. Form an alliance. Aligning yourself with a similar type of business can be a powerful way to expand quickly. Last spring, Jim Labadie purchased a CD seminar set from a fellow fitness professional, Ryan Lee, on how to make and sell fitness information products. It was a move that proved lucrative for Labadie, who at the time was running an upscale personal training firm he'd founded in 2001. "What I learned on [Lee's] CDs allowed me to develop my products and form alliances within the industry," says Labadie, who now teaches business skills to fitness professionals via a series of products he created and sells on his Web site, .

Seeing that Labadie had created some well-received products of his own, Lee agreed to promote Labadie's product to his long contact list of personal trainers. "That resulted in a decent amount of sales," says Labadie-in fact, he's increased sales 500 percent since he created and started selling the products in 2001. "Plus, there have been other similar alliances I've formed with other trainers and Web sites that sell my products for a commission."

If the thought of shelling out commissions or any of your own money for the sake of an alliance makes you uncomfortable, Labadie advises looking at the big picture: "If you want to keep all the money to yourself, you're really shooting yourself in the foot," says the Tampa, Florida, entrepreneur. "You need to align with other businesses that already have lists of prospective customers. It's the fastest way to success."

5. Diversify. Small-business consultant McGuckin offers several ideas for diversifying your product or service line:

Sell complementary products or servicesTeach adult education or other types of classesImport or export yours or others' productsBecome a paid speaker or columnist

"Diversifying is an excellent growth strategy, as it allows you to have multiple streams of income that can often fill seasonal voids and, of course, increase sales and profit margins," says McGuckin, who diversified from an accounting, tax and consulting business to speaking, writing and publishing.

Diversifying was always in the works for Darien, Connecticut, entrepreneurs Rebecca Cutler and Jennifer Krane, creators of the "raising a racquet" line of maternity tenniswear , launched in 2002. "We had always planned to expand into other 'thematic' kits, consistent with our philosophies of versatility, style, health and fun," says Cutler. "Once we'd begun to establish a loyal wholesale customer base and achieve some retail brand recognition, we then broadened our product base with two line extensions, 'raising a racquet golf' and 'raising a racquet yoga.'"

Rolling out the new lines last year allowed the partners' current retail outlets to carry more of their inventory. "It also broadened our target audience and increased our presence in the marketplace, giving us the credibility to approach much larger retailers," notes Cutler, who expects to double their 2003 sales this year and further diversify the company's product lines. "As proof, we've recently been selected by Bloomingdale's, A Pea in the Pod and Mimi Maternity."

6. Target other markets. Your current market is serving you well. Are there others? You bet. "My other markets are what make money for me," says McGuckin. Electronic and foreign rights, entrepreneurship programs, speaking events and software offerings produce multiple revenue streams for McGuckin, from multiple markets.

"If your consumer market ranges from teenagers to college students, think about where these people spend most of their time," says McGuckin. "Could you introduce your business to schools, clubs or colleges? You could offer discounts to special-interest clubs or donate part of [your profits] to schools and associations."

Baby boomers, elderly folks, teens, tweens...let your imagination take you where you need to be. Then take your product to the markets that need it.

7. Win a government contract. "The best way for a small business to grow is to have the federal government as a customer," wrote Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez, ranking Democratic member of the House Small Business Committee, in August 2003. (Click here to read that article.) "The U.S. government is the largest buyer of goods and services in the world, with total procurement dollars reaching approximately $235 billion in 2002 alone."

Working with your local SBA and SBDC offices as well as the Service Corps of Retired Executives and your local, regional or state Economic Development Agency will help you determine the types of contracts available to you. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the SBA also have a Business Matchmaking Program designed to match entrepreneurs with buyers. "A fair amount of patience is required in working to secure most government contracts," says Johnson & Wales University's Bennett. "Requests for proposals usually require a significant amount of groundwork and research. If you're not prepared to take the time to fully comply with RFP terms and conditions, you'll only be wasting your time."

This might sound like a lot of work, but it could be worth it: "The good part about winning government contracts," says Bennett, "is that once you've jumped through the hoops and win a bid, you're generally not subject to the level of external competition of the outside marketplaces."

8. Merge with or acquire another business.In 1996, when Mark Fasciano founded FatWire, a Mineola, New York, content management software company, he certainly couldn't have predicted what would happen a few years later. Just as FatWire was gaining market momentum, the tech downturn hit hard. "We were unable to generate the growth needed to maximize the strategic partnerships we'd established with key industry players," Fasciano says. "During this tech 'winter,' we concentrated on survival and servicing our clients, while searching for an opportunity to jump-start the company's growth. That growth opportunity came last year at the expense of one of our competitors."

Scooping up the bankrupt company, divine Inc., from the auction block was the easy part; then came the integration of the two companies. "The process was intense and exhausting," says Fasciano, who notes four keys to their success:

Customer retention. "I personally spoke with 150 customers within the first few weeks of consummating the deal, and I met with 45 clients around the globe in the first six months," notes Fasciano. They've retained 95 percent of the divine Inc. customer base.Staff retention. Fasciano rehired the best and brightest of divine's staff.Melding technologies. "One of the reasons I was so confident about this acquisition was the two product architectures were very similar," says Fasciano. This allowed for a smooth integration of the two technologies.Focus. "Maybe the biggest reason this acquisition has worked so well is the focus that FatWire has brought to a neglected product," says Fasciano.

FatWire's acquisition of divine in 2003 grew its customer base from 50 to 400, and the company grew 150 percent, from $6 million to $15 million. Fasciano expects no less than $25 million in sales this year.

9. Expand globally. Not only did FatWire grow in terms of customers and sales, it also experienced global growth simply as a result of integrating the best of the divine and FatWire technologies. "FatWire finally has international reach-we've established new offices in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Holland, Germany, China, Japan and Singapore," says Fasciano. This increased market share is what will allow FatWire to realize sustained growth.

But you don't need to acquire another business to expand globally. You just need to prime your offering for an international market the way FatWire was primed following the integration of its technologies with divine's.

You'll also need a foreign distributor who'll carry an inventory of your product and resell it in their domestic markets. You can locate foreign distributors by scouring your city or state for a foreign company with a U.S. representative. Trade groups, foreign chambers of commerce in the United States, and branches of American chambers of commerce in foreign countries are also good places to find distributors you can work with.

10. Expand to the Internet. "Bill Gates said that by the end of 2002, there will be only two kinds of businesses: those with an Internet presence, and those with no business at all," notes Sally Falkow a Pasadena, California, Web content strategist. "Perhaps this is overstating the case, but an effective Web site is becoming an integral part of business today."

Landing your Web site in search engine results is key-more than 80 percent of traffic comes via search engines, according to Falkow. "As there are now more than 4 billion Web pages and traffic on the Internet doubles every 100 days, making your Web site visible is vital," she says. "You need every weapon you can get."

Design and programming are also important, but it's your content that will draw a visitor into your site and get them to stay. Says Falkow, "Putting together a content strategy based on user behavior, measuring and tracking visitor click streams, and writing the content based on researched keywords will get you excellent search results and meet the needs of your visitors."

Got Cash?

Need financing to assist with your growth strategy? Chris Lehnes, vice president of business development with CIT Small Business Lending, a provider of SBA loans, advises the following:

1. Visit the SBAonline. There are many useful small-business tools there as well as information on local SBA contacts. Your local SBA office can provide you with a list of lenders that provide financing to small businesses.

2. Be prepared. Any lender you work with will want to be confident in your ability to manage your own expansion. Think of what your lender might ask so you're prepared for those tough questions.

3. Be willing to put up some of your own money. Lenders will expect you to pledge personal assets and to contribute some of your own cash to your expansion. That may mean splitting the costs with the lender and taking out a second or third mortgage on your home.

Sunday 17 September 2017


Humility is the mother of all virtues, as it is the basic necessity for peace in all ramifications. However, pride is really a viper whose venom has ruined and is still ruining the human race. In fact, wars, various crises, instability, murder, disobedience, to mention but a few are results of the absence of humility in the lives of men. The Scripture enjoins us today that, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6) As the popular adage has it, “A stick lying on the ground can never fall,” likewise, humility enhances steady growth: spiritually, academically, socially, politically and economically. Our life today is characterized by so much strife, anarchy, chaos and other vices because we have failed to imbibe the virtue of humility. Fulton J. sheen says, “No old man will enter into the kingdom of God.”

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Old here simply depicts pride. Little wonder Christ limits the possession of the land to just the meek, hence, He says, “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the land.” (Matt. 5:5) So, humility must be worn as a cloak, for it is in it that we gain endurance to embark on our journey. No life learns anything from the Master if such a life is not humble, hence, it is in silent humility before the divine throne of God that we discover hidden truths from God. Prayerlessness comes as a result of lack of humility. For by that, we no longer see that sublime majesty and greatness. In humility, we are moved to yearn for the Almighty power whose majesty and glory is made manifest to us. From such hearts, we decipher the need for God's word – “Call to me and I will answer you, I will tell you great and hidden things which you have not known.” (Jer. 33:3) Hence, in humility we gain the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7). Archbishop Ulathrne says, “The science of humility rests upon the knowledge of God and of one's self.” There is an urgent need for us to be humble as Christians. There are three basic gifts we should always desire and these are, humility, purity and love.
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Friday 15 September 2017