Friday 30 June 2017

Keep the lady you love


Do you love your girl and you don't want another man to snatch her from you? Then do the following things:

1. Give her plenty of attention. If you give her attention, she will not seek for attention elsewhere. Chat with her online via social media or else another man will.

2. Give her listening ears whenever she is speaking to you. Avoid pressing your phone or reading a newspaper when your girl is talking to you.

3. Do not promise her and fail. Do not promise her what you cannot do. It is better for you to say you don't have than to promise and fail.

4. Do not be stingy. Avoid telling her that you don't have, you don't have all the time.

5. Be caring. To be caring does not only mean you should be giving her money. There are many ways of showing care; e.g show concern whenever she is sad or in problems; be by her side when she is in problems, do not abandon her in her days of sorrow.

6. Tell her daily that she is beautiful.

7. Tell her daily that you love her.

8. Play with her and joke with her daily.

9. Don't be too hard and don't be too soft. Scold her a little, and pet her a little. Do not over pet or over scold.

10. Love her siblings, and respect her parents.

11. Appreciate her when she helps you to do something.

12. Allow her to advise you, seek her suggestions and respect her opinions.

13. Respect her.

14. Do not take her for granted.

15. Do not cheat on her.

16. Play with her hairs

17. kiss her on her forehead, cheek and neck. It will pass a good message to her.

18. Let her sit on your lap sometimes.

Saturday 17 June 2017



Welcome to De law ELECTRONICS blog If you hear some of the things that leads to quarrel in marriages, you will laugh. For example, one day, a couple who exchanged unpleasant words for hours went to see a servant of God to settle the quarrel. He asked them what caused the quarrel? Guess what? Toothpaste!

The wife usually squeeze the toothpaste tube from the middle, and the husband insisted that she must squeeze it from the bottom because that was what his parents taught him. Unfortunately, his wife grew up squeezing toothpaste anywhere she likes. This matter wouldn’t have led to a quarrel if the man had bought two toothpaste and allow his wife to squeeze her own wherever she likes, while he follows his own rule.

A woman woke up one day and told her husband that she was filing for divorce. Do you know what led to that? The husband loves kissing the wife, but he won’t brush his teeth. The woman had begged, knelt down on several occasion to plead with him, and even kept the toothpaste and brush close to the mans bed, yet he won’t brush his teeth. She decided that enough is enough. Whenever you hear that a marriage is about to break up, what led to that, in most cases wasn’t a serious matter. Unfortunately, they magnified it.

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“Ever stopped to ask yourself just what causes quarrel? At least 99 percent of the time, quarrels start over petty, unimportant matters like: John comes home a little tired, a little on edge. Dinner doesn’t exactly please him, so he turns up his nose and complains.

Joan’s day wasn’t perfect either, so she rallies to her own defense with, “Well, what do you expect on my food budget?” Or “Maybe I could cook better if I had a new stove like everybody else.” This insults John’s pride, so he attacks with, “Now, Joan, it’s not lack of money; it’s simply that you don’t know how to manage.”

And away they go! Before a truce is finally declared, all sorts of accusations are made by each party. In-laws, out-laws, sex, money, premarital and postmarital promises, and other issues will be introduced. Both parties leave the battle nervous, tense. Nothing has been settled, and both parties have new ammunition to make the next quarrel more vicious.”~David J. Schwartz.

Probably you returned home and discovered that your husband had messed up the house you cleaned up before you went to work. Or you returned from work and discovered that the meal you asked your wife to prepare was not even on fire. At this point you must choose either a happy home, or frowning one. Always think about the end result of any action you want to take when you’re offended. Situations like I just illustrated has led to the disintegration of families. 

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I discovered that when a couple have issues, it seems as if the devil sits on their shoulders to help prolong the matter. The devil will say to the husband, “Remember that you’re the head of this house, you should not apologize first. If you do that, you will loose respect.” Then he will sit on the woman’s shoulders and say to her, “Remember that he is the one that offended you. He should apologize first.”

If the couple buys into that first line of suggestions, that short devil will move into the second stage. If the woman is smiling while talking to someone on the phone, that short devil will whisper into the man’s ears, “This woman is not even remorseful at all. Go and slap her! Show her that you’re the man of the house!”

If the wife notice that the husband is no longer coming home as early as he used to do, probably because of workload, that voice will say to her, “Look at this foolish man, so he is coming home late now so that I will beg him for forgiveness. In fact, I will start coming home late too.”

Am sure someone who is reading this article right now is presently acting this drama with his or her spouse. My advise is, go home right now and give that short devil a bloody nose by apologizing to your spouse. Don’t allow pettiness to tear your home apart! The three most important words in human history are, “I am sorry.” Many wars that led to the death of thousands of people could have been averted if someone had apologized. If you say I am sorry, this world will not come to an end. Call that person right now and apologize. Take back your marriage !

To eliminate quarrels, eliminate petty thinking. Here’s a technique that works: before complaining or accusing or reprimanding someone or launching a counterattack in self-defense, ask yourself, “Is it really important?” In many cases, it isn’t and you avoid conflict.

When you feel like taking negative action, ask yourself, “Is it really important?” That question works magic in building a finer home situation. It works at the office too. It works in home-going traffic when another driver cuts in ahead of you. It works in any situation in life that is bound to produce quarrels.

David J. Schwartz said, “Keep your eyes focused on the big objective. Many times we are like the salesman who, failing to make the sale, reports to his manager, “Yes, but I sure convinced the customer he was wrong.” In selling, the big objective is winning sales, not arguments. In marriage the big objective is peace, happiness, tranquility, not winning quarrels or saying, “I could have told you so.”

In working with employees, the big objective is developing their full potential, not making issues out of their minor errors. In living with neighbors, the big objective is mutual respect and friendship, not seeing if you have their dog impounded because once in a while it barks at night.” Dear friend, get rid of petty thinking. Forgive immediately. When your spouse makes a mistake, kindly correct in love so that both of you can live in peace. Wisdom is profitable to have .

Remember to appreciate your spouse`s effort by buy a little gift here or

Monday 5 June 2017


How to Have Supernatural Life

If you went through CCD as a child, as I did, you at least remember that there are two kinds of grace: sanctifying and actual. Keep in mind that they aren’t the same thing.

Sanctifying grace perdures in the soul. It’s what makes the soul holy; it gives the soul supernatural life. More properly, it is supernatural life. Actual grace, by contrast, is a supernatural impulsion. It’s transient. It doesn’t live in the soul but acts on the soul from the outside, so to speak. It’s a supernatural kick in the pants. It gets the will and intellect moving so we can seek out and retain sanctifying grace.

To illustrate, imagine yourself transported instantaneously to the bottom of the ocean. What’s the first thing you’ll do? That’s right: die. You’ll die because you aren’t equipped to live underwater. You don’t have the right breathing apparatus. If you want to live in the deep blue sea, you need equipment you aren’t provided with naturally—you need something that will elevate you above your nature, something super (above) natural, such as oxygen tanks.

It’s much the same with your soul. In its natural state, it isn’t fit for heaven. It doesn’t have the right equipment, and if you die with your soul in its natural state, heaven won’t be for you. What you need to live there is supernatural life, not just natural life. That supernatural life is called sanctifying grace. If it indwells your soul when you die, then you have the equipment you need, and you can live in heaven (though you may need to be cleansed first in purgatory). If it doesn’t indwell your soul when you die, too bad.

You can obtain supernatural life by yielding to actual graces you receive. God keeps giving you these divine pushes, and all you have to do is go along. For instance, he moves you to repentance, and if you take the hint you can find yourself in the confessional, where the guilt for your sins is washed away. Through the sacrament of penance, through your reconciliation to God, you receive sanctifying grace. But you can lose it again by sinning mortally.

Remember that word: mortal. It means death. Mortal sins are deadly sins because they kill off this supernatural life, this sanctifying grace. Mortal sins can’t coexist with the supernatural life, because by their nature such sins are saying “No” to God, while grace is saying “Yes.”

When you lose supernatural life, there’s nothing you can do on your own to regain it. You’re reduced to the merely natural life again, and no natural act can merit a supernatural reward. You can merit a supernatural reward only by being made able to act above your nature, which you can do only if you have help.

To regain supernatural life, you have to receive actual graces from God. Think of these as helping graces. Such graces differ from sanctifying grace in that they aren’t a quality of the soul and don’t abide in it. Rather, actual graces enable the soul to perform some supernatural act, such as an act of faith or repentance. If the soul responds to actual grace and makes the appropriate supernatural act, it receives again supernatural life.

Sanctifying grace implies a real transformation of the soul. Recall that the Protestant Reformers denied that a real transformation takes place. They said God doesn’t actually wipe away our sins. Our souls don’t become spotless and holy in themselves. Instead, they remain corrupted, sinful (full of sin) and God merely throws a cloak over them and treats them as if they were spotless, knowing all the while that they’re not.

But that isn’t the Catholic view. We believe souls really are cleansed by an infusion of the supernatural life. Paul writes of us as “in Christ a new creature” (2 Cor. 5:17), “the new man, who according to God is created in justice and holiness of truth.” Our souls don’t become something other than souls; they don’t cease to be themselves. Grace elevates nature. Our intellects are given the new power of faith, something they don’t have at the merely natural level. Our wills are given the new powers of hope and charity, things also absent at the merely natural level.

Moving on, I’ve mentioned that we need sanctifying grace in our souls if were to be equipped for heaven. Another way of saying this is that we need to be justified. “Now you have been washed clean and sanctified, and justified through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and through the Spirit of our God” (1 Cor. 6:11). In Catholic theology, justification and sanctification go together. You’re justified so long as you’re sanctified. You cease to be justified when you cease to be sanctified. The heirs of the Reformers see justification differently. For them, justification is a legal declaration. If you “accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior,” he declares you justified. You aren’t sanctified—your soul is the same as before—but you’re eligible for heaven. You’re expected thereafter to sanctify your life (don’t make the mistake of thinking Protestants say sanctification is unimportant), but the degree of sanctification you achieve is, ultimately, immaterial to the question of whether you’ll get to heaven. You will, since you’re justified.

Most Fundamentalists go on to say that losing ground in the sanctification battle won’t jeopardize your justification. You might sin worse than you did before “getting saved,” but you’ll enter heaven anyway, because you can’t undo your justification, which has nothing to do with whether you have supernatural life in your soul. Calvin taught the absolute impossibility of losing justification. Luther said it could be lost only through the sin of unbelief—that is, by undoing the act of faith—but not by what Catholics call mortal sins.

Catholics see it differently, of course. If you sin grievously, the supernatural life in your soul disappears, since it can’t co-exist with serious sin. You then cease to be justified. If you were to die while unjustified. you’d go to hell. But you can become rejustified by having the supernatural life renewed in your soul, and you can do that by responding to the actual graces God sends you. He sends you one, say, in the form of a nagging voice that whispers, “Repent! Go to confession!” You do, your sins are forgiven, you’re reconciled to God, and you have supernatural life again. Or you say to yourself, “Maybe tomorrow,” and that particular supernatural impulsion, that actual grace, passes you by. But another is always on the way, God never abandoning us to our own stupidity.

(Venial sins don’t destroy supernatural life, and they don’t even lessen it. Mortal sins destroy it outright. The trouble with venial sins is that they weaken us, making us more vulnerable to mortal sins.)

Once you have supernatural life, once sanctifying grace is in your soul, you can increase it by every good action you do: receiving Communion, saying prayers, performing the corporal works of mercy. Is it worth increasing sanctifying grace once you have it—isn’t the minimum enough? Yes and no. It’s enough to get you into heaven, but it may not be enough to sustain itself. It’s easy to fall from grace, as you know. The more solidly you’re wed to sanctifying grace, the more likely you can withstand temptations. And if you do that, you maintain sanctifying grace. In other words, once you achieve the supernatural life, you don’t want to take it easy. The minimum isn’t good enough because it’s easy to lose the minimum.